m 21st Century Chinese Poetry | Poets
These are unusual times. These poets are tale-tellers of their world.                  (All rights reserved.)

The biographical sketches of poets are arranged in alphabetical order by the surname of the poet.


An Qiaozi 安乔子 (冯美珍)

b. 1986

An Qiaozi, whose birth name is Feng Meizhen, was born in Beiliu of Guangxi Province. Her poems have appeared in literary journals across China.


An Qiaozi's poem can be read here. Read The Old Carpenter.


Bai Ma 白玛

b. 1972

Bai Ma was born in 1972, in Linyi City of Shandong Province. She has lived in Tibet and Beijing. At the age of 16, she began to write poems. Her works can be found in various literary magazines in China. She has published a collection of poems: The Messenger Is on the Way."


Bai Ma's poem can be read here. Read On Top of Eastern Mountain.


Bai Qingguo 白庆国

b. 1964

Bai Qingguo was born in Xinle, Hebei Province. He is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association. His poems have appeared literary journal and anthologies across China. He has published a collection of poems: A Little Sweet


Bai Qingguo's poem can be read here. Read When the Lamp is Burning.


Ban Ruo 班若 (班琳丽)

b. 1973

Ban Ruo was born in Xia’yi, Henan Province. She is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association, and has published a collection of poems “Singing Solo”, two novels Songs for a Female Voice and The Heart of the Earth, and a collection of short stories. She lives in Shangqiu, Henan Province.

班若,原名班琳丽, 1973年生于河南夏邑,中国作家协会会员,中国诗歌学会会员。出版长篇小说《女歌》《大地之心》两部;诗集《独唱》;中短篇小说《小日子》《山雨欲来》《态度》20篇;获《中国作家》文学奖,首届浩然文学奖,首届张爱玲文学奖,首届《奔流》文学奖,河南省第二届短篇报告文学奖,首届中国青年作家杯中篇小说奖;小小说《痴》《老闷》入选高中高等教育文学类文本阅读题库。现居商丘。

Ban Ruo's poem can be read here. Read High-Speed Rail.


Bangji Meiduo 邦吉梅朵 (祁发慧)

b. 1980s

Bangji Meiduo, poet and scholar, comes from Amdo Region, Tibet. Her poems and literary criticism have appeared in various literary magazines and journals in China. She has a Ph.D. in Literature.


Bangji Meiduo's poem can be read here. Read November.



Bei Ye 北野 (马长岭)

b. 1965

Bei Ye(The Northern Field), an ethnic Manchurian, was born in Mulan Weichang in Hebei Province. Bei Ye's poems and essays appeared in literary journals across China. He has published two collection of poems Ordinary Happiness, and Selected Poems by Bei Ye, and an essay collection The Sound of Falling Snow. He lives in Chengde.

北野,原名马长岭, 1965年生于河北木兰围场,满族,上世纪八十年代起在《诗刊》《青年文学》《诗歌报》《诗选刊》《星星》《绿风》《散文》等发表诗歌、散文、评论等。有诗集《普通的幸福》《北野自选集1-3》散文集《落雪的声音》等著作和自印本。获各级奖励多次,作品被译成蒙、维、藏、朝鲜、英、法等文字。现居承德。

Bei Ye's poem can be read here. Read Prince, and Ocean’s Neighbor.


Buri Gude 布日古德 (张黎明)

b. 1956

Buri Gude, of Mongolian heritage, comes from Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. He has published two poetry books: Sufferings, and Hawks.


Buri Gude's poem can be read here: Burning Clouds.


Black Tooth 黑牙 (徐占新)

b. 1976

Black Tooth, pen name of Xu Zhanxin, was born in 1976 in Zhangzhou in Shanxi Province. He lives and works in Datong, and is a member of Shanxi Provincial Writers’ Association, and a director for the poetry journal π Poetry Journal His poems have appeared in various literary journals across China.


Black Tooth's poem can be read here: The Magic Mountain.


Bo Hua 柏桦

b. 1956

Bo Hua, poet, scholar, was born in Chongqing. He is a professor of Chinese Language and Literature in Southwest Jiaotong University (Chengdu, Sichuan Province). He has published several poetry books, including Wind Says (in English), Pendant la Dynastie Qing (in French), It Takes Poetry and Knowledge for Revolution, among others. He has won several poetry prizes, such as Anne Kao Poetry Prize, in China.

柏桦,1956年生于重庆。现为西南交通大学人文学院中文系教授。出版诗集及学术著作多种。最新出版的诗集有《风在说》(英语诗集)、《在清朝》(法语诗集)、《为你消得万古愁》、《革命要诗与学问》、《水绘仙侣:冒辟疆与董小宛——1642-1651》等,随笔集《蜡灯红》《白小集》。曾获安高(Anne Kao)诗歌奖、柔刚诗歌奖、羊城晚报“花地文学奖”、第九届四川文学奖、首届东吴文学奖等奖项。

Bo Hua's poem can be read here. Read Evensong.


Bo Xiaoliang 薄小凉 (郝焕岭)

Bo Xiaoliang,birthname Hao Huanling, is from Zoucheng in Shandong Province. She lives in Anhui province. The following line is often used as her biographical sketch: "A thin quilt and small pillow for the cool weather."


Bo Xiaoliang's poem can be read here. Read Painted Face.


Chen Can 陈灿

b. 1960s

Chen Can was born in the 1960s in Huaiyuan, Anhui Province, and now lives in Hangzhou. He is a member of Chinese Writers’ Association, and was known as the "Warrior Poet”, serving in Chinese military and stationed in the southern border with Vietnam. He has published several poetry books, including Lyric Poems of Chen Can and A Soldier’s Log.

陈灿,生于上世纪60年代,安徽怀远人,现居杭州。 中国作家协会会员。曾参加过老山前线边境防御作战,被誉为“战士诗人”。著有《陈灿抒情诗选》,《士兵花名册》等诗集多部。

Chen Can's poem can be read here. Read How Big a Wind Must It Be to Purge This Line of Poetry.


Chen Liang 陈亮

b. 1975

Chen Liang is a native of Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province. He attended Lu Xun Literary Academy. He has published several collections of poems, including Country Book, Chen Liang's Poetry 2008-2017.


Chen Liang's poems can be read here. Read Logs.

Chen Guiliang 陈贵亮

b. 1982

Mr. Chen Guiliang was born and lives in Jiangsu Province. An emerging poet in China, he only started writing poetry in 2012.

陈贵亮, 江苏省盐城人,现居苏州。

Chen Guiliang's poems are included in Issues No. 3 and 6. Read Filling in the Blanks.


Chen Min 陈敏

b. 1956

Chen Min graduated from the Chinese Department of Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. He is the editor of The Journey (旅途) a literary magazine in Ankang, Shaanxi Province.


Chen Min's poems are included in Issues No. 8 and No. 12. Read Blushing Red.


Chen Renjie 陈人杰

b. 1968

Chen Renjie was born in Tiantai, Zhejiang Province in eastern China. He has won several poetry awards in China, including "Xu Zhimo Poetry Award" (徐志摩诗歌奖), "Young Poet Award" by China's Poetry Journal (青年诗人奖《诗刊》), and "Yangtze River Poetry Award"(扬子江诗学奖). He is also a lyricist, the author of 16 songs.


Chen Renjie's poem can be read here. Read Grain-Drying Court.


Chen Xianfa 陈先发

b. 1967

Chen Xianfa was a graduate of Fudan University, Shanghai. He has published several books of poetry and prose, including Death in Springtime, A Past Life, and a novel titled Soul-Stealing Opera. He was awarded well over a dozen domestic poetry prizes, including the prestigious Lu Xun Literary Prize, the 2008 Poet of the Year Award, and Fudan University’s Award for Literary Achievement. His works have been translated into English, French, Russian, Spanish, and Greek.


Chen Xianfa's poems can be read here. Read When Desire Is Used Up, and A Day On the Mountain Up.


Chen Xiaoxia 陈小虾

Chen Xiaoxia, poet, television journalist, was born in Fuding, Fujian Province. She is a member of Fujian Province Writers' Association, and attended Luxun Literary Academy. Her poems have appeared in literary journals across China.


Chen Xiaoxia's poems can be read here. Read Fishing Village.


Chen Yuguan 陈鱼观

b. 1970s

Chen Yuguan was born in Leqing, Zhejiang Province. He has published a poetry book titled The Typhoon Eye, and an essay collection on cultural geography, titled Returning from Yandan Mountain: Nature's Tiny Voices.

陈鱼观,本名陈霜, 上世纪七十年代生于浙江乐清,本世纪初开始写作。著有地理文化随笔集《雁荡归欤:山水间的小声音》,现代汉语诗集《台风眼》。即将出版地域文化随笔集《溪山语境:一座南方小镇的诗意停留》。浙江省作协会员。

Chen Yuguan's poem can be read here. Read I Carve for Myself a Seal.


Chen Yanqiang 陈衍强

b. 1962

Chen is from Yiliang, about an hour's drive away east from the provincial capital of Kunming in Yunnan. His poems have appeared in numerous major literary journals across China and translated into Japanese and English. His anthology of poetry titled The Hero and the Beauty (英雄美人) won first prize in a provincial literary arts competition. He has published two poetry collections: My Countryside(我的乡村)and Beauty and the Hero (英雄美人).


Chen Yanqiang's poems are included in Issue No. 3. Read January (or An Evening of Reading) .


Chen Yupeng 陈钰鹏

b. 1996

Chen Yupeng, born in 1996, is a graduate student (class 2018) at the National Defense University studying drama and film (formerly military art). He has won the prestigious Fudan University Guanghua Poetry Award.


Chen Yupeng's poem can be read here. Read A Short Letter to Mother.


Chilechuan 敕勒川

b. 1967

Born and raised in Inner Mongolia, Chilechuan is the pen name of Wang Jianjun (王建军). His poems have appeared in various literary journals in China. He has published a book of poetry titled A Carved Wooden Chair (雕花的木椅).


Chilechuan's poems are included in Issue No. 7. Read A Carved Wooden Chair.


Ding Bai 丁 白 (李国强)

b. 1973

Ding Bai, birth name Li Guoqiang, was born in 1973, studied in Xi'an, lived in Nanjing, and now calls Shanghai his home. He is a member of the Chinese Writers' Association. A contemporary young poet, anthologist, and calligrapher, he has published several poetry books, including Selected Poems of Ding Bai, Love Is a Kind of Beauty, Everything Has an Aura, Cloud Poetry, Happy Times, among others.

丁 白,原名李国强,1973年11月生,求学西安,落户南京,定居上海。上海作家协会会员,中国作家协会会员、中国诗歌学会会员。当代青年诗人、收藏家、书法家,在《诗刊》《诗词》《西北军事文学》《现代交际》《诗选刊》等多家杂志报刊上发表过诗歌作品。著有诗集《丁白诗选》《爱是一种美丽》《万物有灵》《云间诗抄》《幸福时光》等多部,上海宇晴轩名家画廊董事长,上海达显投资合伙人,上海动狐网络科技有限公司总经理、东亚艺术中心上海分区主任,上海宇晴轩名家艺术画廊主人,书画鉴定师、著名策展人。

Ding Bai's poem can be read here. Read Self Management.


Dong Li 东篱

b. 1966

Dong Li was born in Fengnan, Hebei Province in northern China. He attended Lu Xun Literary Academy, and was admitted to Chinese Writers’ Association in 2009. His poems have appeared in various poetry journals in China and in a few anthologies. He has published a poetry book titled Lower than Life (低于生活).


Dong Li's poems can be read here: Past Mid-Autumn, Sitting Alone on a Barren Hill.


An Qiaozi 安乔子 (冯美珍)

b. 1980s

An Qiaozi, birth name Feng Meizhen, was born in Beiliu, Guangxi Province. Her poetry has appeared in various literary journals across China.

飞白, 安乔子,本名冯美珍,80后,广西北流人。有诗发表在《诗刊》《星星》《草堂》《诗选刊》《飞天》《天津文学》《诗歌月刊》《山东文学》《广西文学》《南方文学》等。入选《2019天天诗历》。参加由《星星》诗刊举办的第二届大学生诗歌夏令营。为2018年广西文学桂军新锐签约作家。

An Qiaozi's poems can be read here: The Old Carpenter.


Feng Qiang 冯强

b. 1982

Feng Qiang was born in Jiaozhou, Shandong Province. He earned a Ph.D in Literature from Beijing Normal University. He is an associate professor at College of Humanities, Guangxi Normal University.

飞白, 冯强,1982年生于山东胶州人,北京师范大学文学院博士,先后师从耿占春教授和张清华教授,现为广西师范大学文学院副教授。

Feng Qiang's poems can be read here: Dawn Redwood.


Gannan A‘Xin (A‘Xin of Southern Gansu) 甘南阿信

b. 1964

Gannan A'xin literally means 'A'xin [the poet] from southern Gansu.' He is a vice-chancellor of a teachers' college in the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu Province. He has won several literary awards. A‘xin has published a poetry collection, titled Poems by A'Xin (阿信的诗).


Ah Xin's poems are included in Issue No. 6. Read Letter to a Friend.


Gao Feng 高峰

b. 1965

Gao Feng (Lit. Tall Mountain Peaks) is a native of Anhui Province. He has published a poetry collection titled Afloat on Shouzhou. He lives in Shouzhou.


Gao Feng's poems can be read here: Sparrows.



Gao Pengcheng 高鹏程

b. 1974

Gao was born in the northwest province of Ningxia. He moved to Xiangshan county in Zhejiang in 1995. He has worked as a teacher, editor, journalist and public servant. A prolific writer and poet, his poems have appeared in literary journals across China and he has won several poetry prizes. His poetic offerings include the anthologies Letters By The Sea (海边书), The Eye of the Storm (风暴眼) and Receding Tide (退潮).


Gao Pengcheng's poems can be read here: Going to the Fish Market , and Life in a Fishing Village .


Gao Shang 高 尚

b. 1961

Gao Shang, poet, literary critic, was born in Dingxi, Gansu Province. He graduated with a B.A. in Chinese language and literature from Northwest Normal University (Lanzhou, Gansu Province). He has published a poetry book titled Possible Rubáiyáts. His poems have appeared in many literary jmagazines across China.

高尚,诗人,批评家。 1961年生在甘肃省定西市。先后毕业于西北师范大学汉语言文学本科专业、中国社会科学院文学研究所文化人类学与当代文学硕士专业。诗歌代表性作品《以河流的方式行进》《一只怀旧主义的器官》《我的,沙的》《可能的柔巴依》等;诗歌创作之余从事国内外当代文学评论,也是中国有影响的博尔赫斯研究者,撰有大量批评文章。

Gao Shang's poem can be read here: Poem of Restiveness .


Gu Chunfang 顾春芳

Gu Chunfang was born in Shanghai. She studied Drama and Film Directing at Shanghai Theatre Academy, and is now a professor at Peking University Art School. Her main research areas are drama and drama studies, Chinese opera aesthetics, and film studies. She has published a book of poems: April’s Reverie.

顾春芳, 笔名四月,出生于上海, 北京大学艺术学院教授,博士生导师。主要研究领域为戏剧戏曲学、戏曲美学、电影学。著有诗集《四月的沉醉》。

Gu Chunfang's poems can be read here: A Butterfly Specimen.


Gu Gang 古 冈

b. 1963

Gu Gang is the author of several collection of poems, Selected Short Poems of Gu Gang, The Burden of the Mortal World - Poems of Gu Gang, 1987 to 2011. He has published poems across China and abroad, and currently works as an editor at Eastern China Normal University Press.

古冈,华东师范大学出版社六点分社文学编辑,北京文艺网国际诗歌奖评委。著有诗集《古冈短诗选》(香港银河出版社)、《尘世的重负——1987—2011诗选》(美国Red Hen出版社)。在国内外及香港、台湾诗刊发表诗作,在《书城》等报刊杂志发表随笔文论。曾获美国DJS艺术基金会诗集奖(2012),首届上海国际诗歌节诗歌创作大赛奖(2016),北京文艺网国际华文诗歌奖(2016)。

Gu Gang's poems can be read here: Mosquito.


Gu Ma 古 马

b. 1966

Gu Ma was born in 1966 in Wuwei, Gansu Province in interior China. He has published several poetry collections, including Western Winds, Ancient Horses, Poems of Gu Ma, Red Lights on Ink, Sunset Odes, River Source.

古 马,1966年出生,甘肃武威人。1986年写诗至今。主要作品有诗集《西风古马》《古马的诗》《红灯照墨》《落日谣》《大河源》等。

Gu Ma's poems can be read here: Mournful Sounds, Moving Camp, and She Comes as Promised.


Gushan Yun 孤山云 (李海鹏)

b. 1970

Gushan Yun (Lit. Solitary Mountain Cloud), birth name Li Haipeng, was born in Dongbei, Heilongjiang in 1970. He now living in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. His poems have appeared in newspapers and magazines in China.)


Gu Shanyun's poems can be read here: Summer Story.



Guang Zi 广子 (郭广泉)

b. 1970

Guang Zi (birth name Guo Guangquan) was born in Erdos, Inner Mongolia. His main works include poetry collections: Past Events, Mongolia Psalms. He attended Lu Xun Literature Academy, and is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association. He lives in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia.


Guang Zi's poems can be read here: Wind Farm, and The Red of Red Grass Marsh.


Guo Congyu 郭丛与

b. 1998

Guo Congyu is a MBA student at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. He is a fan of atypical Japanese photography. .


Guo Congyu's poem can be read here: Shanghai Vignette.


Guo Hui 郭辉

b. 1955

Guo Hui was born in Yiyang, Hunan Province. He has published several poetry collections, including Land of Beautiful Women, Home Forever in My Mind, A lifetime of Missing Moments, and The Nine Flavors of the Earth. Guo Hui was a graduate of Xiangtan University in Hunan Province, and attended Luxun Literary Academy in 1989. He is a member of Chinese Writers' Association.


Guo Hui's poem can be read here: Teeth.


Han You 寒 友 (吴立松)

b. 1996

Han You, birth name Wu Lisong, was born in Linchuan, Jiangxi Province. He has published four poetry collections: A Long Journey, A Wanderer's Song, Sighs of the Night, and Roving.


Han You's poems can be read here: Ordos.


Han Zongfu 韩宗夫

b. 1966

Han Zongfu was born in Zhucheng, Shandong Province. He now lives in a river town along Wei River in Shandong Province. He has published two poetry books: The Villages of Scarcrows, and The Mirror that Has Gone Missing.


Han Zongfu's poems can be read here: Voice of the Corn.


He Qingjun 何青峻

He Qingjun is the editor of poetry magazine Poetry World. His poetry has appeared in literary journals across China.


He Qingjun's poems can be read here: A Brilliant New House.


Hei Tao 黑陶

b. 1968

Hei Tao, poet, essayist, was born in Yixing, Jiangsu Province, known for its traditional Yixing clay tea pots. He has published a poetry collection, titled Calm Fire. He has also published several essay collections, including Clay and Fire, The Kiln for Chinese Language.


Hei Tao's poems can be read here: The Flames and Me.


Hong Li 洪立

b. 1960s

Hong Li was born in Wuzhong City, Ningxia in the 1960s. His poems and prose were published in domestic newspapers and periodicals. He was awarded the poetry creation award of the "Chinese Poets Western Tour" sponsored by China's Poetry Journal. His works have been selected for various poetry collections.)

洪立,1960年代生于宁夏吴忠市, 1979年开始诗歌创作,至今在《诗刊》《朔方》《青年文学》《诗歌月刊》《山花》 《中国诗歌》等发表诗歌、散文五百余首(篇)。曾获《诗刊》“中国诗人西部之旅”诗歌创作奖,第七、八届宁夏文学艺术奖。作品多次入选各种诗歌选集。

Hong Li's poems can be read here: Suoyang aka. C Songaricum.


Hu Cha 胡查

b. 1973

Hu Cha was born in 1973 in Guang'an, Sichuan Province. His poems have appeared in various publications in China. He has also published a collection of poems The Tai-Ping Era Annals , Emptiness. Yes , and The Lustrous Folk Legends.


Hu Cha's poem can be read here. Read Naturally There Will Be a Way.

Hu Hairong 胡海荣

b. 1970s

Hu Hairong was born in Ruijin, Jiangxi Province. He began to write poetry in 2017, since then his poems have appeared in various publications in China. He makes a living in Ruijin City as a home repairman.


Hu Hairong's poem can be read here. Read Digging Sweet Potatoes.


Hu Liang 胡 亮

b. 1975

Hu Liang, poet, literary critic, essayist, is from Pengxi, Sichuan Province. He is a member of Chinese Writers' Association, and has published several poetry books, including Goodbye Spring, Hello Summer, Immortal Poets, and Prelude of Force.

胡 亮,生于1975年,四川蓬溪人。诗人,论者,随笔作家。著有《阐释之雪》《琉璃脆》《虚掩》《窥豹录》《无果》,编有《出梅入夏》《永生的诗人》《力的前奏》《敬隐渔研究文集》(合编)。获颁第5届后天文化艺术奖、第2届袁可嘉诗歌奖、第9届四川文学奖、2018年度十大图书奖、第3届建安文学奖。中国作家协会会员,巴金文学院签约作家。

Hu Liang's poem can be read here. Read Good Neighbor.


Hu Xian 胡 弦

b. 1966

Hu Xian was born in Tongshan, Jiangsu Province. He has won several national Poetry Awards, including the prestigious Lu Xun Literary Award. He has published several poetry collections, including Hour Glass, and Empty Staircase. He has also published a few essay collections, including Notes from the Vegetable Patch, and The Native Who Cannot Return. He lives in Nanjing.

胡 弦,生于江苏铜山, 现居南京,供职于《扬子江诗刊》。出版诗集《沙漏》《空楼梯》、散文集《菜蔬小语》《永远无法返乡的人》等。曾获《诗刊》《十月》《作品》《芳草》等杂志年度诗歌奖、鲁迅文学奖、闻一多诗歌奖、徐志摩诗歌奖、柔刚诗歌奖、腾讯书院文学奖、花地文学榜年度诗人奖等。

Hu Xian's poem can be read here. Read From Yongxing Island to Qilianyu.


Hu Yonggang 胡永刚

b. 1966

Born in Huzhu county in Qinghai in China's northwest, Hu now lives in Xi’an, the provincial capital of Shaanxi Province. He started writing poems in 2004. His poems have appeared in poetry journals in China and overseas. His first collection of poems Before You Go to Heaven (到达天堂以前) was published in 2009.


Hu Yonggang's poems are included in Issue No. 1. Read A Petite Flower in Taer Monastery.


Huang Fan 黄梵 (黄帆)

b. 1963

Huang Fan, poet and novelist, a native of Huanggang, Hubei Province. Huang Fan began writing poetry in 1983, and has since branched out to novels. He has published works such as The Nanjing Dirge, The Eleventh Commandment, The Gift from the South, and Mr. Teacher at a Girl School.


Huang Fan's poem can be read here. Read Fish.


Huang Guohui 黄国辉

b. 1975

Huang Guohui was born in 1975 in Enshi Prefecture in Hubei Province of Tujia ethinic lineage. He is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association. He has published literary reviews, essays, poems and other works in newspapers and literary magazines across China..


Huang Guohui's poem can be read here. Read The Other Me.

Huang Hongqi 黄鸿琦

b. 1951

Huang is the co-editor and co-translator of the first issue of 21st Century Chinese Poetry which includes two of his poems. He was born and raised in Nanjing. His writings have been published in various TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) periodicals.


Huang Hongqi's poems are included in Issue No. 1. Read Vernal Longing.


Huang Lihai 黄礼孩

b. 1971

A prominent post-1970 poet based in Xuwen county, Guangdong Province, Huang's poems have been published in major literary journals across China. He has won numerous awards, including the Eighth Lu Xun Literary Award in Guangzhou (2009) and the Lebanon International Literary Award (2013). With a background in dramatic art, Huang is also a production designer, speech writer and photographer.


Huang Lihai's poems can be read here. Read Things Get Rearranged, and Song for Swallow.


Huang Sheng 黄胜

b. 1960s

Huang Sheng, painter, art critic, poet. A graduate of Nanjing University and Huadong Normal University, Huang organizes art exhibitions as a profession. He has published three poetry collections: The River Calls, Echoes, and Listening to the River.


Huang Sheng's poem can be read here. Read Pennywort.


Jian Nan 剑 男

b. 1966

Jian Nan, pen name of Lu Xiongfei(卢雄飞), was born in Tongcheng, Hubei Province. He graduated from the Chinese Department of Huazhong Normal University. His poems, essays, novels, and literary reviews have appeared in literary journals across China, and a few poems were selected for various anthologies. He has published three poetry collections Indignant Life(激愤人生), Loose Sheets and Broken Chapters (散页与断章), Jian Nan’s Poetry Selection (剑男诗选). He teaches at the School of Literature, Central China Normal University, serving as the editor of Chinese Language Teaching and Research (语文教学与研究), an academic magazine.

剑 男,原名卢雄飞,湖北通城人,毕业于华中师范大学中文系,上个世纪八十年代末开始文学创作,发表有诗歌、小说、散文及评论,有诗歌入选多种选集及中学语文实验教材,著有《激愤人生》《散页与断章》《剑男诗选》,现在华中师范大学文学院任教,《语文教学与研究》杂志主编。

Jian Nan's poems can be read here: On Old Slate Mountain, I Saw Turtledoves, The Miracle, and Quick Quick Drip.


Jiang Bohan 姜博瀚

b. 1976

Jiang Bohan was born in Qingdao, Shandong Province. He graduated from Beijing Film Academy with a B.A. in Literature. A poet, novelist, scriptwriter, and film director, Jiang’s film The Wedding of a Dead Prisoner was shortlisted for the 17th Tokyo International Film Festival. He has published a novel Growing Up in Charming Aromas, and a novella My and My Father's Past and Present. He lives in Beijing.


Jiang Bohan's poem can be read here. Read In Yanjiao.


Jiang Fei 江非

b. 1974

Jiang Fei was born in Linyi, Shandong Province. He has published several poetry coolections, including The River at Night, Three Things about Dusk, Autumn Chronicle, and Words of Clouds. He lives in the Island of Hainan in southern China.


Jiang Fei's poem can be read here. Read The Creaking Door.


Jiang Li 江离 (吕群峰)

b. 1978

Jiang Li (pen name of Lü Qunfeng) comes from Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. A graduate of Zhejiang University, he co-founded poetry magazine The Wilderness with a friend in 2002. Jiang Li has published two books of poetry: Sundown with Honeysuckle and Indeterminate Mountains. He lives in Hangzhou, and is an editor at poetry magazine Yangtze Poetry.


Jiang Li's poem can be read here. Read Star Map.


Jiang Xuefeng 蒋雪峰

b. 1965

Jiang Xuefeng was born in Jiangyou, Sichuan Province. He is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association, and has won the Sichuan Literature Award and a few other poetry awards. He has published four collections of poems, The Music Room, So Many Golden Dreams and Tigers, Beautiful Letters, From Now On. His poetry have been translated into English and Korean.


Jiang Xuefeng's poem can be read here. Read A Prayer.


Jin Wenyu 金问渔

b. 1970s

Jin Wenyu, novelist, poet, was from Haining, Zhejiang Province. He has published a poetry collection: Hometown in the Light of Memories .


Jin Wenyu's poems can be read here: Leaving the Station Late at Night.


Jia Xiang 贾 想

b. 1990s

Jia Xiang is a graduate student in Beijing Normal University. His poems and poetry critics have appeared in major literary journals and newspapers across China.

贾 想,北京师范大学硕士在读。作品见《诗刊》《星星》《青年文学》《飞天》《青春》《散文诗世界》。评论见《南方文坛》《小说评论》《福建文学》《媒介批评》等杂志,《光明日报》《文艺报》等报刊。

Jia Xiang's poem can be read here: Father's Flock of Birds.


Jia Yuhong 许多 (贾玉红)

b. 1970

Jia Yuhong is from Changle, Shandong Province. She is a member of Shandong Province Writers' Association. She has published two poetry books, titled The Dream Catcher, and Let the Heart Soar. She has also published an essay collection: Little Flowers in the Wild.

贾玉红,笔名许多,山东省作协会员,昌乐县作协副主席,2013年至201 6出版诗歌、散文三部。有作品刊发于《诗选刊》《诗潮》《延河》《芒种》 《山东文学》《时代文学》《扬子江诗刊》《青海湖》《当代诗人等报刊。已出版诗集《追梦人》,《放飞心灵》,散文集《山野里的小花》。

Jia Yuhong's poem can be read here: Eagle, A Low Flyer Most of the Time.


Jin Qiufeng 井秋峰

b. 1967

Born in Wen'an county in Hebei Province, Jing is a senior engineer. He has co-edited the poetry volume to A Selection of Contemporary Literature from Wen'an and has published a number of poetry anthologies. He has published 3 collections of poems: Poems by Qiufeng (秋峰的诗), By the Bamboo Fence (篱笆那边), and There Blows the Spring Wind (春风那个吹).


Jing Qiufeng's poems are included in Issue No. 5. Read Tea.


Kang Wei 康伟

Kang Wei is editor-in-chief of China Arts Newspaper, and a leading character in China's press and publishing industry.


Kang Wei's poem can be read here: The Snake.


Kang Yuchen 康宇辰

b. 1991

Kang Yuchen was born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Presently (2020), she is pursuing a Ph.D degree in Chinese Language and Literature at Peking University. Her poetry has appeared in literary journals across China.


Kang Yuchen's poem can be read here: One Among Us.


Ke Xiuxian 柯秀贤

Ke Xiuxian, born in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, is a member of Fujian Province Writers' Association. She has published a poetry collection Through the Glass Window.


Ke Xiuxian's poem can be read here: Springtime.


Kong Gejian 空格键 (邓志强)

b. 1975

Kong Gejian (Lit. space bar) , pen name of Deng Zhiqiang, was born in Liling City, Hunan Province. He has published a poetry collection, titled The Ear Pond.


Kong Gejian's poem can be read here. Read After the Rainy.


Lang Qibo 郎启波

b. 1979

Lang Qibo is a poet, screenwriter, editor and movie producer from Zhenxiong county in the northeast of Yunnan Province. He began writing poetry at the tender age of six and published his first poem at fifteen. His poetry has appeared in numerous literary journals across China. He has published two poetry collections Drifting Island (漂泊的岛), Selected Poems of Lang Qibo (郎启波诗选), and a novel and movie script The Legend of Chen Zhen (精武风云-陈真).


Lang Qibo's poems are included in Issue No. 13. Read The Great Yunnan Kingdom .



Lei Pingyang 雷平阳

b. 1966

Lei Pingyang was born in 1966 in Zhaotong, Yunnan Province. He lives in City of Kunming, Yunnan Province, and works for the Yunnan Federation of Literature and Arts, and enjoys a special provincial allowance for a writer. He is a tutor at Yunnan Normal University master’s program. He has published several poetry collections and essay collections, including Selected Poems of Lei Pingyang, Notes on Yunnan, Kino Mountain, Notes on Wumeng Mountain, Country Folk Songs, Monk’s Robe and Old Paper: Lei Pingyang Poetry Manuscript, Farewell, Water. He was awarded several literary awards including the prestigious Lu Xun Literature Award.

雷平阳,云南昭通人,现居昆明,供职于云南省文联,一级作家,享受国务院特殊津贴专家,云南师大硕士生导师。著有《雷平阳诗选》《云南记》《基诺山》《乌蒙山记》《击壤歌》《袈裟与旧纸: 雷平阳诗手稿》《送流水》等诗歌集、散文集。曾获鲁迅文学奖、《诗刊》年度诗歌奖、人民文学奖、十月文学奖、华语文学传媒大奖诗歌奖、花地文学榜年度诗歌金奖等奖项。

Lei Pingyang's poem can be read here: Maiji Mountain


Li Daozhi 李栋

b. 1991

Li Daozhi was born in Jianli, Hubei Province in 1991. He volunteered to take part in “China's Far West Program” and currently works in Tianyang, Guangxi Province. His poems have appeared in various literary magazins in China.


Li Daozhi's poem can be read here: Keeping the Mountains in the Fold.


Li Dong 李栋

b. 1969

Li Dong was born in Taigu County, Shanxi Province in northern China. He began to write poetry in 2010 after online poetry circle began to get wider and wider. Li Dong's poems have appeared in several national literary journals in China.


Li Dong's poem can be read here: Visiting Someone in Big Snow.


Li Manqiang 李满强

b. 1975

Li Manqiang was born in Jingning, Gansu Province in northwestern China. He is a member of Chinese Writers' Association, and attended Lu Xun Literary Academy in Beijing. He has published several poetry collections, including The City of One Citizen, Personal Chronicles, Sketches of Dreams, and a collection of essays Light as Dust .


Li Manqiang's poem can be read here: The Monarch Butterfly.


Li Hao 李 皓

b. 1970

Li Hao was born in City of Dalian, Liaoning Province in northeastern China. He is a member of Chinese Writers' Association.

李 皓,中国作家协会会员,辽宁省作家协会全委会委员。

Li Hao's poem can be read here: Even the Biggest Snow Is Only a Bluff.


Li Jizong 李继宗

b. 1968

Li Jizong was born in Zhangjiachuan, Gansu Province of Hui (muslim) heritage, His poems have appeared in various journals across China. He has published a poetry book, titled Around the Courtyard . He now lives in Tianshui, Gansu Province.


Li Jizong's poem can be read here: Letter from the Country.

Li Jiefu 李洁夫

Li Jiefu, poet, journalist, editor, is a native of Handan City in the southwest of Hebei Province. He is a member of Chinese Writers' Association, and has published several poetry books, including Poems, or Songs, Breathing, Tri-colored Plum, Dearest Love, etc.


Li Jiefu's poem can be read here: Gale.


Li Li 离离(李丽)

b. 1978

Li Li was born in Tongwei County in the northwest province of Gansu. Her poems and essays have appeared in various literary journals in China and she has won many national and regional literary awards. She has published two books of poems: Under the Olden Sky (在旧时的天空下) and Poems by Li Li (离歌).


Li Li's poems are included in Issue No. 7. Read Essential Matters.


Li Longnian 李龙年

b. 1956

With a background originally in geology, Li now works in the media. His poems have appeared in various poetry journals and anthologies in China. Li is a member of the Chinese Writers' Association.


Li Longnian's poems are included in Issue No. 11. Read Peaceful Avenue.



Li Shangyu 李商雨

b. 1977

Li Shangyu was born in Anhui Province. A young poet in his 30s, his works have appeared in numerous literary journals in China. He teaches at the Anhui Teachers College.


Read Li Shangyu's poems: Seductive Wind, Unsightly Scenes , and Midlife.



Li Shaojun 李少君

b. 1967

Li Shaojun, born in Xiangxiang, Hunan Province in 1967, is a graduate of Wuhan University in journalism. He has published several poetry collections, among them Nature, Grass Roots, The Little Station Where God Descends, and The Sea and The Sky. He is known in China as a naturalist poet. He now serves as the editor-in-chief of China’s Poetry Journal (Beijing).


Li Shaojun's poem can be read here: Fatso by The Sea, The Shape of Fog
Sorrow of Looking Back at Luojiashan
Unearth in Yiwu
Wasted Garden
Mother's Cellphne Call



Li Songshan 李松山

b. 1980

Li Songshan, nicknamed the shepherd poet, was born in 1980 in Wugang, Henan Province. He dropped out of school at 11 years old because of disability caused by meningitis and became a shepherd, and began to develop love for literature and poetry. Beginning with small local literary publication, his poetry has now reached national readership in China.

李松山, 1980年出生于河南舞钢李楼村。从小患病致残,无奈辍学,只能干简单的农活儿,在山脚下放羊。面对命运的坎坷,他选择与现实和解,用阳光和热情来充实自己的内心。

Li Songshan's poem can be read here: Two Sheep.


Li Sheng 李盛

b. 1962

Li is a poet and essayist from Hunan Province. He is the author of the poetry collections: Easy Distance (简单的距离) and A Worker’s Notes (劳动者札记).


Li Sheng's poems are included in Issue No. 13. Read Discoveries.


Li Shuxia 李树侠

b. 1970

Li Shuxia, born in Tongcheng, Anhui Province in 1970, is a member of the Anhui Writers' Association. Her works appear in a variety of poetry publications and annual selections, and in her collection of poems, A Letter in the Fall.


Li Shuxia's poems can be read here: Oak.


Li Tianjing 李天靖

Award-winning poet, literary critic, educator, Li Tianjing was born in Nanjing, Anhui Province in eastern China. He is a member of Chinese Writers’ Association, the editor of Shanghai Poets, the poetry journal published by Shanghai Writers’ Association. He has published a collection of poems titled You Have Become a Prey of Your Poetry (你成为你诗歌的猎物).


Li Tianjing's poems can be read here: Former Residence.


Li Tong 李桐

b. 1969

Li Tong is the pen name of Li Wenyan (李文艳). Born in the northeastern province of Jilin, she now lives in Qinghuangdao, Hebei Province. She started writing poetry in 2011 and since then her poems have appeared in several poetry journals across China.


Li Tong's poems are included in Issue No. 7. Read Stingy Winter.


Li Wei 李威

b. 1970

Born in the southwest Sichuan Province, Li Wei works at a Transportation Management Office in Chengdu. His poems have appeared in various poetry journals across China. Li Wei is the author of the poetry collection Let A Sheep Live (让一只羊活下去).


Li Wei's poems are included in Issue No. 3. Read For the Love of a Tree.


Li Wenming 李文明

b. 1969

Li Wenming was born in Shaodong, Hunan Province in southern China. He was a farmer, migrant worker, and soldier, and currently working in a government agency in Shenzhen in southern China. He is a member of Hunan Writers' Association.


Li Wenming's poems can be read here: Speaking Loudly to My Mother.


Li Xianxia 李衔夏 (李鸿斌)

b. 1985

Li Xianxia, poet, novelist, was born in City of Qingyuan, Guangdong Province in southern China. He is a member of Chinese Writers' Association, and has published a novel titled The Chronicles of Human Silence, and a collection of short stories: The Sphere of Camus.


Li Xianxia's poems can be read here: Xiamen Island.


Li Xianzhen 李宪珍 (兰雪)

b. 1967

Born in Linyi, Shandong Province, Li's poems and poetry reviews have been published in literary journals in China and overseas. Her poetry has been translated into a number of languages, including English and Swedish. Her anthologies include Gentle Breeze And Bright Moon (清风明月), Soundless Falling Snow (雪落无声) and A Personal Utopia (一个人的乌托邦). She writes under the pen name Lan Xue. In 2012, she started to write plays and novellas.


Li Xianzhen's poems are included in Issue No. 1. Read Fatal Fantasy.


Li Yue 李越

b. 1986

Li Yue was born in Yongchang, Gansu Province in 1986. He is a member of Gansu Writers’ Association, and has published two collections of poems: “A Night for Su San, and Rainy-Day Cherry Blossom Park .


Li Yue's poems can be read here: Cold Branches.


Li Yun 李云

b. 1964

Poet, essayist, and short-story writer, Li Yun was born in Anhui Province in eastern China. He is the editor of Chinese Poetry Monthly (诗歌月刊), a prominent poetry journal in China. He attended Lu Xun Literary Academy, a writers’ residence program for China’s established and emerging writers. Li Yun’s poems and other writings have appeared in literary journals across the country.


Li Yun's poem can be read here: The Nectar.


Li Zhiyong 李志勇

b. 1969

Born in the northwest province of Gansu, Li began writing poetry in his twenties. His poems have appeared in various poetry journals and anthologies in China. He has published one collection of poetry titled The Green Book (绿书). Li works and lives in the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southern Gansu Province.

李志勇, 1969年生于甘肃临潭县,1991年毕业于兰州师专。先后在甘南师范学校、中共甘南州委秘书处、中共临潭县委工作。1988年开始在《诗刊》、《诗歌月刊》、《星星诗刊》、《诗歌报月刊》、《汉诗》等国内报刊发表诗歌作品,并被《本草集》、《经典情诗99首》和一些诗歌年度选本等选载。曾获《诗歌月刊》“第三届爱情诗、探索诗大赛”探索诗特等奖。著有诗集《绿书》。

Li Zhiyong's poems are included in Issue No. 11. Read Married Life, and The Lamp.


Li Zhuang 李壮

b. 1989

Li Zhuang was born in Qingdao, Shangdong Province. He graduated from Beijing Normal University with a MA degree in Literature, and works in the research department of Poetry Journal in Beijing. His poetry has appeared in various literary publications in China.


Li Zhuang's poems can be read here. Read The Pardoned Sheep.


Li Zhuang 李 庄

b. 1963

Li Zhuang grew up in Dezhou in Shandong Province. After graduating from high school, he worked as a machinist, caster, salesman, secretary, and business manager. In 1986 he began to write poems. Since then, his poetry has appeared in a number of literary magazines. In 2009 his first collection of poems titled Li Zhuang's Poems was published.


Li Zhuang's poems are included in Issue No. 2. Read The Red Urn, and Ticket Inspection.


Li Zirui 李子锐

b. 2000

Li Zirui, a graduate of the Chinese Language and Literature Department of Jilin University (class 2018), he is a member of the Shandong Young Writers’ Association, and has published a personal poetry collection: Young and Inexperienced Mast.


Li Zirui's poem can be read here. Read An Island Alone.


Lian Shu 连殳 (于学涛)

b. 1990s

Lian Shu, birth name Yu Xuetao, was born in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia. His poems have appeared in literary journals across China.


Lian Shu's poem can be read here. Read An Invented Moment.


Liang Jilin 梁积林

b. 1965

Poet and novelist, Liang Jillin is a native of Sandan County, Gansu Province in interior China. He is a member of the Chinese Writers' Association, and attended Lu Xun Academy of Literature. He has published several collections of poems, including West of Hexi Corridor , North Northwest , The Tribe , and Poem by Liang Lilin . He has also published a novel titled The Town of Fulou .


Liang Jilin's poems can be read here: The Eagle, and Under Sun-Moon Mountain.


Lin Mang 林莽

b. 1949

Lin Mang, born in Xushui, Hebei Province in 1949, is one of the representative misty poets. He has published eleven books, including The Poems of Lin Mang, I Flowed Through This Land, and Eternal Moments.


Lin Mang's poem can be read here. Read Awe.


Liu Chengyu 刘成渝

Poet, novelist and prose writer, Liu was born and lives in Sichuan Province. His poetry has appeared in various literary journals across China.


Liu Chengyu's poems are included in Issue No. 2. Read Expecting a Snowflake to Fall.

Liu Congmei 刘聪美

b. 1972

Liu Congmei was born and lives in Shaanxi Province. Other than writing and translating poetry, Liu is compiling a book titled The Study of Rhythmic Schemes of Chinese Poetry (诗歌韵律学).

刘聪美,陕西西安人,创作现代韵文,将许多西方古典诗歌翻译成汉语韵文 。著有《诗歌韵律学》。(参考:刘聪美博文 http://blog.sina.com.cn/liucongmei999 )

Liu Congmei's poems are included in Issues No. 3 and 6. Read Ode to An Orchid.


Liu Dawei 刘大伟

b. 1980

Liu Dawei was born in Haidong, Qinghai Province, and now teaches in College of Arts, Qinghai University. He attended Lu Xun literary Academy, is a member of China Writers’s Association, and has published two poetry collections— Snow Falls on the Forests and Rivers, Low Flight, and a collection of essays —Gazing at the Qinghai Road.


Liu Dawei's poems can be read here: The Camel Puller.


Liu Guanghui 刘光辉 (笔名: 爪哇岛)

b. late 1960s

Liu Guanghui is a poet and essayist born in Shandong Province. He has published widely ivarious literary journals and newspapers, and some of his writings have been published in school textbooks. In 1993, he was awarded a residency at the Lu Xun Literary Academy in Beijing. He has published a collection of essays titled Hometown on Paper (纸上的故乡). Liu writes under the pen name Java(爪哇岛).


Liu Guanghui's poems are included in Issue No. 13. Read Spring Snow: New Name for New Landscape .

Liu Jian 刘 建

b. 1960s

Liu Jian was born in Xuzhou City in Jiangsu Province on the lower reach of Yangtse River. He is a member of Xuzhou City Writers' Association. Liu Jian lives in Nanjing, and is factory worker.

刘 建,江苏省徐州市睢宁县人,徐州市作家协会会员。目前在南京市打工,业余学习写作。

Liu Jian's poems can be read here: Snippets from the Factory Floor.


Liu Nian 刘年

b. 1974

Liu Nian, birth name Liu Daifu, is a poet and essayist from Hunan Province. He worked as a machine technician in a cement company in Guangdong Province before becoming a full-time writer. After attending two creative writing programs that focused on poetry in Beijing, Liu has gone onto winning national poetry awards. He had published an anthology of poems titled Faraway (远). He lives in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province.


Liu Nian's poems can be read here. Read The Ruin, All Lovely Things Have An Inner Glow, At the Silversmith's, The Yak Herder, and Liu Yunfan and His Paintings.


Liu Quan 流泉 (娄卫高)

b. 1963

Liu Quan (pen name of Lou Weigao) was born in Zhejiang Province on the Yangtze River Delta. His first poem was published in 1986, but he stopped writing between 1992 and 2007 until attracted by the active poets' circle in cyberspace. He has published three poetry collections: Getting Close in Dust (在尘埃中靠近),Time Is Wide in the Wind (风把时光吹得辽阔), and Galvanized Steel (白铁皮).


Liu Quan's poems are included in Issue No. 7 and in Poem-Of-The-Day. Read Odes to Mountains and Rivers and April.


Liu Weixiong 刘伟雄

b. 1964

Liu Weixiong was born in Xiyang Island, Fujian Province in 1964. He has published several collections of poems including The Desolate Hour , Breathe , and Trees on the Plains. He is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association.


Liu Weixiong's poem can be read here: Island Lighthouse.


Liu Ting 刘汀

b. 1981
Liu Ting, poet, essayist, novelist, was born in Inner Mongolia. His poetry, literary criticism, essays, and short stories have appeared in literary journals across China. He has published two novels Hoboksar Town , Stories of Youth , and two essay collections Lives of Others , and My Native Home .


Liu Ting's poem can be read here: To Chongqing.


Liu Yali 刘亚丽

b. 1961

Liu Yali is from Shaanxi Province in China's northwest. She started writing poetry in the 1980s and since then has published poems, essays and excerpts of her novels in some of the most prominent literary journals in the country. Her work has been translated into a number of languages, including English, French and Japanese and she is the recipient of many literary awards. She is an editor for the Xi'an-based literary journal Meiwen ('Beautiful Writings'). Her published poetry anthologies include My Love Poems , and Life’s Story .


Liu Yali's poems are included in Issue No. 5. Read Wednesday Afternoon Tea.


Liu Yanghe 刘阳鹤

b. 1991

Liu Yanghe was born in Gansu Province, and grew up in Guangzhong Plain or North China Plain, which includes ancient cities such as Xi'an, Baoji, Xian Yang, etc. Liu Yanghe is pursuing a Ph.D degree in Tongji University. His poems and literary criticism have appeared in poetry and literary journals across China.


Liu Yanghe's poem can be read here: Growing Inspirations.


Liu Xuejun 刘学军

b. 1970s

Liu Xuejun lives in Ningxia Province. His poetry have appeared in various Chinese literary journals. He works in the travel industry.


Liu Xuejun's poems are included in Issue No. 2. Read The Mountain Gap.


Long Lingqiong 隆玲琼

b. 1983

Long Lingqiong is a native of Chongqing, and now lives in Chongqing Fengdu.


Long Lingqiong's poem can be read here: Dromedary.


Long Xiaolong 龙小龙

b. 1970s

Poet Long Xiaolong was born in Nanchong, Sichuan Province, and now lives in Leshan, also in Sichuan Province. His works can be found in poetry journals and literary journals across China. He has won several poetry awards, and published two collections of poetry: Walking in Poetic Thoughts, and The Words of Nature.


Long Xiaolong's poem can be read Goodbye, Chimney.


Lu Huiyan 陆辉艳

b. 1981

Lu Huiyan was born in Guanyang, Guangxi Province. She has authored three collection of poems: The Secret Code of Wanmula, High and Low, Grizzly in the Heart. She attended the 29th Annual Luxun Literary Academy in Beijing.


Lu Huiyan's poem can be read Staple Remover.


Lu Ye 路也

b. 1969

Lu Ye teaches at the School of Literature, Jinan University in Shandong Province. She has published 20 books, including poetry collection, essays, short stories, novellas, novels, and literary criticisms. Her most recent poetry collections are Letters from the Mountains and From Now On.


Lu Ye's poems can be read here: Infinitude.


Luo Ying (Huang Nubo) 骆英(黄怒波)

b. 1956

Born in Lanzhou in the northwestern province of Gansu, Huang Nubo's family moved to Yingchuan in Ningxia when he was five. He graduated from the Chinese department at Peking University in 1981 and from the China Europe International Business School in Shanghai in 1998 with an Executive Master Business (EMBA) degree.

Luo Ying is also a mountaineer and a member of the Explorer Club in New York and as the China Entrepreneur Club wrote in July 2015: 'the first Chinese entrepreneur that has climbed to the peak of Mount Everest three times.' He has published a number of poetry anthologies and novellas under his pen name Luo Ying.


Luo Ying's poems are included in Issue No. 11. Read Distance from the World.

Lü Heng 绿蘅 (唐靖)

Lü Heng is from City of Tong Ling, Anhui Province. His poems have appeared in regional and national literary journals in China.


Lü Heng's poem can be read here. Read To Big Bright Temple.


Ma Huicong 马慧聪

b. 1984

Ma Huicong as born in Shenmu, Shaanxi Province. He is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association, a member of the Shaanxi Provincial Writers’ Association. He has published several poetry collections, including “Model-like Trees”, “Longings”, "Waiting". He is the editor-in-chief of the literary journal The Yanhe River.


Ma Huicong's poem can be read here. Read Confession, and Virgin Ivy.


Ma Si 马嘶 (马永林)

b. 1984

Ma Si (Lit. Horse Neigh), painter, poet, was born in Bazhong, Sichuan Province, He is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association, and the founder of Tripath Books and Tea House near Chengdu. He has authored several poetry books, including Spring Mountain Is Expected, Ardor, Out of Nowhere. Mr. Ma lives in Chengdu.

马嘶,原名马永林, 1978年生于四川巴中,有过10年绘画学习生涯。 三径书院创办人,中国作家协会会员。曾参加《诗刊》第33届青春诗会,著有诗集《春山可望》《热爱》《莫须有》等。现居成都

Ma Si's poem can be read here. Read I Am.


Ma Zeping 马泽平

b. 1985

Ma Zeping was born to a muslim family in Tongxin, Ningxia Muslim Autonomous Region. He attended Lu Xun Literary Academy in Beijing. His poems have appeared in regional and nationwide literary journals.


Ma Zeping's poem can be read here. Read A Monologue or Aside, and Flashbacks in the Morning Rain .


Mai Dou 麦豆 (徐云志)

b. 1982

Mai Dou (pen name of Xu Yunzhi) is from Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province. He is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association, and was a participant of Luxun Literary Academy. He has published a poetry collection , titled The Return.

麦豆,原名徐云志,1982年生, 江苏连云港人。中国作协会员。曾获第二届汉江.安康诗歌奖、江苏省第六届紫金山文学奖等。曾参加诗刊社第30届青春诗会、鲁迅文学院第31届中青年作家高级研讨班等。江苏省第九届签约作家。已出版诗集《返乡》

Mai Dou's poem can be read here. Read Partridge .


Mang Yuan 芒原 (舒显富)

b. 1981

Mang Yuan (birth name Shu Xianfu) was born in Zhaotong, Yuannan Province. He has published two poetry books: Willows, and Selected Poems of Shu Xianfu . He works as a policeman.


Mang Yuan's poem can be read here. Read Boiling Point at Dawn.

Maolin Qingcha 茅林清茶

Maolin Qingcha was born in Shandan, Gansu Province. He is a member of Gansu Province Writers' Association.


Maolin Qingcha's poem can be read here. Read Desolation.


Mei Yi 梅驿 (王梅芳)

Mei Yi, novelist, poet, is from Hebei Province, northern China. She has published a novella The Disease of Blushing


Mei Yi's poems can be read here: In the Depth of Dusk.


Meng Xingshi 孟醒石

b. 1977

Meng Xingshi, pen name of Meng Lingli, was born in Wuji, Hebei Province. He graduated from Shijiazhuang College majoring in fine arts. He is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association, and attended Lu Xun Literary Academy.


Meng Xingshi's poems can be read here: Reverse Course.


Meng Ye 梦也 (赵建银)

b. 1962

Meng Ye is the poetry editor for the Blustery Winds Literary Journal (朔方), a major literary journal in Ningxia Province. He has written novels, poems and essays and published in many prominent literary journals across China. Meng Ye's Nine Poems (梦也诗九首) won first prize at a poetry competition in Ningxia in 2012.


Meng Ye's poems are included in Issue No. 2 and No.5. Read November, and Good Will.


Mu Bei 牧北 (梁世博)

b. 1970s

Mu bei (birth name: Liang Shibo) was born in Haicheng, Liaoning Province in northeastern China. He is a school teacher, school administrator, and the editor of The Dandelion, a literary magazine for the youth. His poems have appeared in literary publications across China.


Black Camel's poems can be read here: A Flock of Birds .


Na Ye 娜夜

b. 1964

Na Ye was born in Xingcheng in the northeastern province of Liaoning. Of Manchurian descent, she grew up in the country's northwest then studied at Nanjing University graduating from the Chinese Department. She has published four poetry anthologies. In 2005 she was a recipient of the prestigious Lu Xun Literary Award for her Selection of Poems by Na Ye (娜夜诗选). She works at the Literature Academy in Gansu Province.


Na Ye's poems are included in Issue No. 8. Read An Afternoon in Yunnan.


Nan Qiu 南秋

b. 1964

Nan Qiu is the pen name of Lian Zhandou (连占斗). He was born in Datian in the southeast coastal province of Fujian. A member of The Fujian Writers’ Association, his poetry has been published in numerous poetry journals in China. He has also published several poetry books, including Language Of The Sun (太阳的语言) and The Key To The Field (田野的钥匙).

南秋,本名连占斗,福建省大田县人,福建省作协会员,大田县作协主席, 1990年以“福建三家巷”参加《诗歌报月刊》第二届全国现代诗歌群体大展,著有诗歌集《太阳的语言》《田野的钥匙》《光与影的阶梯》《天地之吻》《大地的心跳》等五部。作品先后在《星星诗刊》《诗选刊》《诗歌月刊》《福建文学》等发表。主张诗歌无技法只求自然,无流派瞻观古今,无厚薄独爱博大之作。

Nan Qiu's poems can be read here: The Rumble of Thunder, Metaphorically Speaking.


Nan Shutang 南书堂

b. 1965

Nan Shutang was born in Shangluo City of Shaanxi Province in northwestern Chinese, in the same province as Xi’an, the starting point of Silk Road. Nan Shutang is a member of Chinese Writers’ Association, a contracted writer at Shaanxi Literary League. He works for Shangluo City Bureau of Culture, Press, and Broadcasting.


Nan Shutang's poems can be read here: My Love-Hate Relationship with Mt. Qinling.


Nie Le 聂勒

b. 1968

Nie Le was born in A'washan in Ximeng in Yunnan's southwest and is of Wa ethnicity. He graduated from the Nationalities' University in Kunming in 1991 and started to publish poems in 1996. He works have appeared in literary journals across the country. He has been called 'the first poet of the Wa cultural group to write poems in Chinese.' His has published two poetry anthologies: Soulful Pastoral Songs (心灵牧歌) and I See (我看见). Nie Le was a delegate at the 2009 Iowa International Writers’ Conference and is an editor at the Yunnan Nationalities Publishing House in Kunming.


Nie Le's poems are included in Issue No. 13. Read My Lost Herd.


Niu Qingguo 牛庆国

b. 1962

Niu Qingguo was born in Huining in the northwestern province of Gansu. Before retirement, he worked as the senior editor of the Gansu Daily Newspaper. His work has appeared in major literary journals across China, and won several awards. He has published a collection of poems titled The Way I Love (热爱的方式).


Niu Qingguo's poems are included in Issue No. 4. Read The Old Donkey.


Pan Xichen 潘洗尘

b. 1963

Pan Xichen was born in Heilongjiang in 1963. He graduated from Harbin Normal University with a major in Chinese Language and Literature in 1986. Some of his poems, such as Drinking the Wine of September 9th and Let Us Go to the Sea in June have been included in high school and college Chinese language textbooks. He has published 12 books of poems and essays. He is the editor of Reading Poetry.)


Pan Xichen's poem can be read here: Is There A Spring Not Born Out Of A Desperate Fight?

Pang Pei 庞培

b. 1962

Pompei was born in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province. He dropped out of school after finishing primary school, but continued to write. He has authored several books, both in and in prose, and has won several literary awards in China. He lives in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province.


Pang Pei's poem can be read here: Spring Night .


Peng Jie 彭杰

b. 1999

Peng Jie, born in Liu'an, Anhui Province in 1999, is currently studying at the School of Journalism and Communication of Anhui University.


Peng Jie's poem can be read here: Evening Stroll .

Peng Shibin 彭世彬

A graduate of Chongqing University in China's southwest, Peng is a mechanical engineer. He is also a poet, songwriter and composer. Over two hundred of his poems have appeared in literary journals and newspapers. His poetry anthologies include The Expansive Dadu River (宽宽的大渡河). He lives in Chengdu.


Peng Shibin's poems are included in Issue No. 5. Read Shadows .


Qi Lun 起伦 (刘起伦)

b. 1960s

Qi Lun, poet, essayist, and novelist, is from Qidong County, Hunan Province. His is a graduate of Hunan University with a major in Mathematics. His literary works have appeared in literary magazines across China.

起伦,本名刘起伦, 湖南祁东人。1985 年毕业于湖南师大数学系,现为解放军某部大校。有诗歌、散文、小说作品散见于《诗刊》《人民文学》《解放军文艺》等。曾获《诗刊》《解放军文艺》《创世纪》刊物诗歌奖和“2016湖南年度诗人奖”。2000 年参加第十六届青春诗会。

Qi Lun's poem can be read here. Read Minor Heat.


Qi Yuqin 漆宇勤 (漆宇晴)

b. 1981

Qi Yuqin, born in Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province, is a member of the Chinese Writers' Association, and attended Lu Xun Literary Academy. He has published more than 1,300 literary works in more than 600 publications, such as Poetry Journal, People's Daily, People's Literature, Stars, Green Wind, and Poetry Monthly Magazine , etc.


Qi Yuqin's poem can be read here. Read The Return of the Native.



Qi Zi 圻子 (曾建平)

b. 1970

Qi Zi (birth name: Zeng Jianping) is from Ruijin in Jiangxi Province. His poems have appeared in a number of literary magazines across China. He is a member of the Chinese Writers' Association.

圻 子,本名曾建平,江西瑞金人,有诗见《人民文学》《诗刊》《星星诗刊》《青年文学》《诗潮》《扬子江诗刊》《星火》等文学杂志。中国作家协会会员。

Qi Zi's poem can be read here. Read Tumbleweed, and Night of the Big Rig.


Qin Kaiyong 秦开勇

b. 1973

Qin Kaiyong was born in Shaping, near City of Chongqing. He is a member of Chongqing Writers' Association. His poems have appeared in various local and nationwide literary magazines.


Qin Kaiyong's poems can be read here: Putuo Village.


Qiu Shui 秋 水

b. 1970s

Qiu Shui, poet, editor, was born in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. He poetry has appeared in poetry and literary journals across China.

秋 水,70后,诗歌编辑。2008年接触现代诗,有诗歌、评论、散文等作品散见《星星·散文诗》《福建文学》《山东文学》《诗林》《牡丹》《中国诗歌》《天津诗人》等刊物,有诗歌、散文作品入选年度选本,诗作获第二届“福州市茉莉花文艺奖”三等奖。

Qiu Shui's poems can be read here: Notes from a Hospital Ward.


Qu Rui 瞿 瑞

b. 1992

Qu Rui was born in Xinjiang in 1992 and now lives in Beijing. She is a scriptwriter, poet, and novelist.

瞿 瑞,1992年出生于新疆,现居北京。从事剧本、诗歌和小说创作。

Qu Rui's poems can be read here: Sputters of Fires.



Ren Lin 人邻

b. 1958

Ren Lin is the pen name of Zhang Shijie (张世杰), poet and essayist. He was born in Luoyang, Henan Province and now lives and works Gansu. He is a graduate of Peking University, majoring in Chinese. He has published a poetry anthology called Landscape on Paper (白纸上的风景) and a collection of prose titled The Sunset Traveler (残照旅人).

人邻, 原名张世杰。河南洛阳人。毕业于北京大学中文系。现在甘肃省劳动科学研究所工作。1981年开始发表作品。2005年加入中国作家协会。甘肃省文学院荣誉作家。著有诗集《白纸上的风景》,散文集《残照旅人》。诗歌、散文作品被选入多种诗歌、散文选本、年度选本。

Ren Lin's poems can be read here: Mu Xi’s Six Persimmons


Ren Xianqing 任先青

b. 1943

Born in Caizhou, Shandong Province, Ren Xianqing graduated from the Chinese Department of Qufu Normal University in 1966. He has published several poetry anthologies, including The Heart Knows No Boundaries (无涯之心) Heart-Shape Leaves (心形的叶子) and Selected Poems by Ren Xianqing (Chinese and English) 任先青诗选 published by 21st Century Chinese Poetry.


Ren Xianqing's poems are included in Issues Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 13. Read Waiting for a Train in the Field of Poetry.


Ren Huaiqiang 任怀强

b. 1974

Ren Huaiqiang was born in Xintai, Shangdong Province. He is a member of Chinese Writers' Association. He has published two poetry collections: Our Souls, and On the Way to Wacheng.


Ren Huaiqiang's poems can be read here: When the Wind Blows and Blows.




Rong Rong 荣荣

b. 1964

Born in Ningpo, Zhejiang Province on the Yangtze Delta, Rong Rong graduated from the chemistry department at Zhejiang Normal College in 1984. She has published averal portry collections, including Flowers in the Wind (风中的花束), Black Coffee (黑咖啡) and Ruins (废墟). She has also won two prestigious poetry awards: The Lu Xun Literary Award, and the Xu Zhimo Literary Award. Rong Rong is the editor for the literary magazine Literature Harbor (文学港). Rong Rong is the pen name of Zhu Peirong (褚佩荣).


Rong Rong's poems are included in Issue No. 3. Read The Same Old Story, Reliving.


Sea of July 七月的海 (李云)

b. 1970s

Sea of July is the pen name of Li Yun. Ms. Li works and lives in Shandong Province. She approaches poetry with the following philosophy: "To write is to love. Through poetry, I become infinitely close to the world, and infinitely close to myself." She has published several books of poetry, among them: The Sea of July (七月的海)and Short Poems by Li Yun (李云短诗). She published her poems mainly under the pen name "The Sea of July".


Sea of July's poems are included in Issue No. 7. Read Spring Comes to Tai'erzhuang.


Sha Ma 沙马 (刘伟)

b. 1958

Sha Ma is the pen name of Liu Wei (刘伟). Born in Anhui Province, his writing career in the early 1980s. He has won several poetry prizes and published several anthologies of poetry.

沙马:现居安徽安庆。现代诗歌的写作者。试图探索诗歌写作的各种可能性,深入“另一种”写作元素。努力建设一个新的写作文本。先锋、开阔、大气、深刻是我诗歌的方向。 诗观:艺术,没有独创性,就意味着剽窃; 作品入选多种诗歌选本并获奖。 诗集:《零界》《沙马诗歌选》《解读沙马》《泡沫时代》《某个词的到来》长诗《一个文本•虚妄之年》等。

Sha Ma's poems are included in Issue No. 4 and in 2019 POEM OF THE DAY. Read Aboard the Ship.


Shao Qian 邵骞

b. 1997

Shao Qian was born in Qujing, Yunnan Province. He earned a B.A. degree from Shanghai University, and a M.A. degree with a major in Chinese Studies. His poems have appeared in literary magazines across China.


Shao Qian's poems can be read here: Strong Tea or Father.


Shen Haobo 沈浩波

b. 1976

Shen Haobo, poet, publisher, was born in Taixing, Jiangsu Province. A graduate of Beijing Normal University, he once advocated the Chinese poetic "ism" called The Lower-Half Movement. He has published several poetry books, including Big Evils in the Heart, A Chronicle of Wenlou Village", Butterflies, and Make Me Quiet.


Shen Haobo's poems can be read here: Something Happens in the Dark of the Soul.


Shen Wei 沈苇

b. 1965

Shen Wei was born in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. A graduate of Zhejiang Normal University with a degree in Chinese Language and Literature. He has published several poetry collections, including Collected Poems of Shen Wei, Muse at Noon", My Study and the Wilderness, and Xingjiang Lexicon. In 1998, he won the prestigious Lu Xun Literary Prize in the category of poetry.

沈苇,1965年生,浙江湖州人。浙江师范大学中文系毕业。曾在新疆生活工作30年,现居杭州,浙江传媒学院教授。著有诗文集《沈苇诗选》《新疆词典》《正午的诗神》《书斋与旷野》《诗江南》等20多部。获鲁迅文学奖、华语文学传媒大奖年度诗人、十月文学奖、刘丽安诗歌奖、柔刚诗歌奖,花地文学榜年度诗歌金奖等。作品被译成英、法、俄、西、日、韩等10多种文字。 。

Shen Wei's poems can be read here: Camel Bridge.


Song Huiyuan (宋惠元);Liu Si (柳思)

b. 1965

Liu Si is the pen name of Song Huiyuan. Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, his poems have appeared in poetry journals across China. Liu Si was a recipient of a Henry Robinson Luce Chinese Poets Fellowship in 2013. He has published four poetry anthologies, including The Red Pillow (红枕). He lives in Hangzhou.

柳思,诗人,本名宋惠元。1965年出生于浙江湖州。现居浙江杭州,供职于杭州日报报业集团。 2013年美国亨利·卢斯基金会中国诗人,佛蒙特艺术中心访问学者。

Read Song Huiyuan's poems: Love You a Pound , Predictions of Snow Are Rarely Accurate, and In the Same Dream as a Plum Flower.


Su Ding 苏鼎

Su Ding, painter, poet, is a native of Zhucheng, Shandong Province. He currently lives in Beijing. He is a member of Chinese Artists' Association, and the Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Artists' Association.

苏鼎, 山东诸城人,现居北京。画家,诗人。中国美术家协会会员,香港美协副主席。

Su Ding's poems can be read here: The Thoughts on the Journey.


Song Yu 宋雨

b. 1970s

Born in northern Xinjiang, Song Yu began writing poetry in 2008. Her poetry has appeared in various literary journals across China. She has published one poetry anthology titled I Listen to Me (我听我说).


Song Yu's poems are included in Issue No. 8. Read Ow, Mama!.


Sun Wenbo 孙文波

b. 1956

Sun Wenbo is a native of Chengdu, Sichuan Province. His first poem was published in 1986. He worked with Xiao Kaiyu (肖开愚)and Zhang Shuguang (张曙光)to create the poetry publication The Nineties, and worked with Lin Mu to found the poetry publication Small Magazine. He has published several collections of poems, including Travel on the Map.


Sun Wenbo's poem can be read here. Read Speaking of Coconut Trees.


Cao Shu 草树 (唐举梁)

b. 1964

Cao Shu (Lit. Grass Tree), pen name of Tang Juliang, was born in Hunan Province. He graduated from Xiangtan University in 1985, and has worked in research, management and real estate development. Some of his works have been published in China Poetry Journal, October, Poetry Selections, and other publications in China. Cao Shu has published several collection of poems, including Life’s Sketches, The Dipper Pond, Reconstruction of a Royal Tomb, Stele for Longevity.

草 树,本名唐举梁,湖南人。1985年毕业于湘潭大学。曾从事科研、管理和房地产开发工作。有作品发表于《诗刊》《十月》《诗选刊》《诗建设》《广西文学》《文学界》等刊物。2012年获第20届柔刚诗歌奖提名奖。2013年获首届国际华文诗歌奖、当代新现实主义诗歌奖。著有诗集《生活素描》《勺子塘》《马王堆的重构》《长寿碑》等。

Cao Shu's poem can be read here. Read The Glass Shop.


Tan Xiao 谈骁

b. 1987

Tan Xiao was born in Enshi, Hubei Province. He has published two poetry books: In your name, and Dashing into Calm Water He lives in City of Wuhan, Hubei Province, and works for Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House.


Tan Xiao's poem can be read here. Read Journey through the Night.


Tang Yangzong 汤养宗

b. 1959

Tang Yangzong was born in Xiapu, Fujian Province. He has published seven poetry books, including Into the World, Notes of a Scale-Maker, One Man's Big Banquet—Selected Poems by Tang Yangzong, 1984 - 2015. He has won the prestigious People's Literary Award, and Lu Xun Literary Award.

汤养宗,闽东首府霞浦人。出版诗集《去人间》《制秤者说》《一个人大摆宴席 汤养宗集 1984-2015》七种。先后获得人民文学奖,中国年度最佳诗歌奖,诗刊年度诗歌奖,鲁迅文学奖。

Tang Yangzong's poem can be read here. Read Dongwu Sound, The Rebuilt Feet Rembrandt in Self-Portrait, and Some Stones Are Participants in My Life.


Tian Xiang 田湘

b. 1962

Tian Xiang was born in City of Hechi, Guangxi Province. He is the author of poetry books: On the Edge of the City, Half-Closed Door, Can’t Let Go, Encounter, Selected Poems of Tian Xiang , and Snowman (Chinese-English bilingual edition). He lives in Nanning, Guangxi Province.


Tian Xiang's poem can be read here. Read The Moon Hesitates.


Tu Yong 涂拥 (涂勇)

Tu Yong was born in Luzhou, Sichuan Province. He has published two poetry books: Sitting Face to Face with You, and Cloud Watching.

涂拥,本名涂勇, 四川泸州人。2015年重新写诗,诗作散见于《诗刊》《星星》《草堂》《诗潮》《汉诗》等,并入选多种年选。 著有诗集 《面你而坐》、诗文集《坐看云起》。

Tu Yong's poem can be read here. Read Calling Out to Father.


Tong Zuoyan 童作焉 (李金城)

b. 1995

Tong Zuoyan, pen name of Li Jincheng, was born in Kunming, Yunnan Province. He has published a collection of poems: The Art of Insomnia . He graduated from Fudan University with a Master's Degree in International Relations and Public Policy.


Tong Zuoyan's poem can be read here. Read Deer Seekers.


Wa Dao 瓦刀

b. 1968

Wa Dao (birth name Zhu Ruidong)(朱瑞东) was born in Tancheng County in Shandong Province. His poems have appeared in several literary journals across China. He has published three poetry books: Escape (遁入), Poems of Wa Dao (瓦刀诗选), and Swimming to the Other Side (泅渡). He lives in City of Linyi, Shandong Province.


Wa Dao's poems are included in Issue No. 2. Read Total Eclipse of the Moon , Floating Snow , and Sometimes.


Wang Zhangjun 王长军

b. 1950

Wang Zhangjun was born in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province. He studied physics in Nankai University, Tianjin. Wang Zhangjun is a member of Chinese Writers’ Association. His poems have appeared in literary magazines across China.


Wang Zhangjun's poem can be read here: High Hopes.


Wang Feng (of Jiangxi) 汪峰

b. 1965

Wang Feng, poet, essayist, literary critic, photographer, was born in Shixi, Jiangxi Province. He is a member of Chinese Writers' Association, and has published a poem collection titled Written on My Family Tree.


Wang Feng's poem can be read here: An Hour in the Recreation Room.


Wang Fugang 王夫刚

b. 1969

Wang Fugang was born in Wulian, Shandong Province, and now lives in City of Jinan. He is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association, resident poet of Capital Normal University. He has published several poetry collections, among them Poetry, or Song(诗,或者歌).


Wang Fugang's poems can be read here: Education By Snow, and The Big Bend, Oh Great River.


Wang Jibing 王计兵

b. 1969

Wang Jibing was born in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. He works as a take-out food deliver, and writes poems whenever he can. He is a member of Xuzhou City Writers' Association. .


Wang Jibing's poems can be read here: My Inept Love for This World.


Wang Jiaming 王家铭

b. 1989

Wang Jiaming is from Fujian Province with a Ph.D in Chinese Language and Literature from Qinghua University. He has published a poetry book: Wood Shavings from a Carved Icon .

王家铭,1989年生于福建。本科毕业于武汉大学,博士就读于清华大学人文学院中文系。曾获十月诗歌奖、三月三诗会新人奖、东荡子诗歌高校奖、樱花诗赛一等奖。作品发表于《人民文学》《十月》《诗刊》等。参加第36届青春诗会,著有诗集《神像的刨花》。 员。

Wang Jiaming's poems can be read here: Crystallization.


Wang Jiaxin 王家新

b. 1957

Wang Jiaxin, poet, critic and translator, was born in Hubei province in 1957. He graduated from the Wuhan University majoring in Chinese language and literature, and is currently a professor at the School of Literature in Renmin University, China. He has published several collections of poetry: Stairs, Commemoration, The Moving Cliff, Wang Jiaxin's Poems, Unfinished Poems. He has also published several collections of essays on poetics: The Meeting of Men and the World, Nightingale in its Own Times, Poetry without Heroes, etc. He has also translated poems by Paul Celan, Osip Mandelstam, Marina Tsvetaeva, and Garcia Lorca..


Wang Jiaxin's poems can be read here: Farewell, Diary oF A Trip through Snowstorm, and Where in the World.


Wang Jiming 王吉明(北陵王)

b. 1963

Beilingwang is the pen name of Wang Jiming 王吉明. He graduated from the Dezhou Teachers' College in 1985. A middle school Chinese language teacher for more than a decade, he now works in an Education Bureau in Pingyuan County, Shandong. His poems have appeared in several literary journals across China and has published an anthology of his poems titled A Selection of Beilingwang's Poems (北陵王诗选).


Beiling Wang's poems are included in Issue No. 2. Read On Love Fantasy of the Lowest Kind.

   ; ; ; ; ;

Wang Meifu (or Meifu Wang) 王美富

b. 1958

Ms. Wang is the founder, editor and co-translator of 21st Century Chinese Poetry.  Born in Taiwan, Meifu Wang earned her BA in foreign languages and world literature from National Taiwan University.  Her poetry has appeared in various Chinese literary journals, in Seattle-area local newspapers, and in Denver Quarterly.   Ms. Wang also earned Master's degrees in meteorology and in transport system design, and worked in these areas for the World Bank and the U.S. Department of Translation in Washington D.C.   Meifu received a Henry Luce Foundation Fellowship for Chinese poetry translation for a residency at Vermont Studio Center.  In January 2016, she accepted the appointment by Ningxia Province Poetry Society as its literary translator. In 2018, Meifu began to collaborate with China's Poetry Journal (the oldest and largest- circulated poetry publication in China, established in 1957) to bring the English version of "A Chinese Poem A Day" into the world. Meifu lives in London.


Read Meifu Wang's poems here: Dirt Road, Water Droplets, To Melville, To Father, and Dirge,

Wang Qiang 王强

b. 1980s

Wang Qiang was born in a small village in Ningxia Province and teaches in a middle school. His poems have appeared in several literary journals across the country.

王强出生在宁夏一个小村庄,在一所中学任教。 他的诗歌发表于国内文学期刊上。

Wang Qiang's poems are included in Issue No. 2. Read Afternoon.


Ah Long 阿垅 (王卫东)

b. 1970

Ah Long (birth name Wang Weidong), poet, essayist, was born in Weishi, Henan Province. He is a member of Chinese Writers’ Association, and has published a poetry collection Letters from Southern Gansu. Ah Long lives in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China.


Wang Weidong's poem can be read here. Read Yardstick Mountain.


Wang Xiaoji 王孝稽

b. 1975

Wang Xiaoji, born in Cangnan in Zhejinag Province, is a member of the Chinese Writers' Association and a commissioned writer at Zhejiang Academy of Letters. He has published several poem collections, including Narratives from the South and Holiday Letters.

王孝稽,浙江苍南人, 中国作家协会会员,浙江文学院签约作家。出版诗集《南方叙事》《休假书》等。曾获2014年浙江青年文学之星优秀作品奖,入围第五届闻一多诗歌奖和2013、2015年度华文青年诗人奖。

Wang Xiaoji's poem can be read here. Read Seaweed in a House Corner.


Wang Xiaoni 王小妮

b. 1955

Wang Xiaoni is a poet of Manchurian descent born in the northeastern city of Changchun in 1955. She graduated from Jilin University in 1982 and worked as a script editor for a film studio. In 1985, she settled in Shenzen. She has published many books of poetry, won numerous literary awards, and is a professor at the School of Humanities and Communication at Hainan University.


Wang Xiaoni's poem can be read here. Read A Toast to Barley Wine From Delingha.


Wang Yiping 王一萍

b. 1980s

Wang Yiping, teacher, poet, is a member of Yancheng Writers’ Association in Jiangsu Province. She lives in Jianhu, Jiangsu Province.


Wang Yiping's poem can be read here. Read The Antique Night Market.


Wang Zhanbin 王占斌

b. 1972

Wang Zhanbin was born in Datong, Shandong Province. He has published several poetry books, including Walking On Like Folk Songs and The Great Happiness of the Lightning.


Wang Zhanbin's poem can be read here. Read The Scarecrow.


Wang Zijun 王子俊

b. 1967

Wang Zijun, poet, essayist, novelist, was born in Panzhihua, Sichuan Province. He is a member of Sichuan Province Writers’ Association, and has published two poetry books A Life with Steel and Iron and My City Life , and a novel Tighten the Screw . He lives in Panzhihua, Sichuan Province.

王子俊,四川攀枝花人。1989 年开始发表作品。 1997 年加入四川省作家协会。诗歌小说散见于《人民文学》,《扬子江诗刊》,《诗探索》,《星星》,《诗潮》,《草堂》,《四川文学》,《安徽文学》,《鹿鸣》,《延河》,《中国诗歌网》等,有诗入选《诗歌点亮生活》等选本,因奔波生活远离诗歌20余载,2017年3月重返写作。2019年获王亚平诗歌奖二等奖,小说《螺丝拧紧》获2019年第二届中国工业文学作品“光耀杯”大赛二等奖。代表作品:《一生守望钢铁》《我城市的生活》小说《螺丝拧紧》等。现居攀枝花。

Wang Zijun's poem can be read here. Read The Memory of a Snowman in White Horse Forest.


Wei Wei 围围 (傅正洪)

b. 1967

Born in Sichuan Province in the country's southwest, Wei Wei has described his approach to writing poetry as twofold: (1) employs a natural diction to develop and build tension; (2) learns the anatomy of life like a good brain surgeon learns the anatomy of the human body. Good poetry has healing power. Wei Wei lives in Shenzhen, Guangdong.


WeiWei's poems are included in Issue No. 11 and No. 12. Read The Zoo (Giant Panda).

Wei Xue 未雪

Born in Jiangsu Province, Wei Xue graduated from Yangzhou University with a major in Chinese Language and Literature. Her writings have appeared in Xinghua Daily and Nantong Daily.


Wei Xue's poems are included in Issue No. 1. Read The Poet's Indignation.


Wu Xiaochong 吴小虫

b. 1984

Wu Xiaochong was born in Yingxian, Shanxi Province. Wu’s poems have appeared in literary magazines across China. In 2020, he was delegated as the resident writer at Chengdu Literary Studio..


Wu Xiaochong's poems can be read here: Death of the Elephant.


Wuding (Nasu Wuding) 巫丁

b. 1960s

Wuding was born in Sichuan Province and is a Chinese Muslim. His Muslim name is Nasu Wuding (纳素巫丁), and Chinese name Su Hua(苏华). He studied French at university, and after graduating worked for various publishing houses. His poetry has appeared in a number of Chinese poetry journals across China. He lives in Chongqing.

苏华 (纳素巫丁),四川宜宾人,回族。在岷江与金沙江的波涛声中长大。干过多种职业,当过水手、石匠等等。1987年自考经济管理专业毕业。同年进入中国石油天然气总公司四川石油管理局。现居重庆。曾在《诗刊》、《星星诗刊》、《诗歌报月刊》、《花城》、《青年作家》等发有大量诗作、散文、小说。作品收入多种选集。出版诗集《歌唱的蜡烛》(西南作家书系·成都出版社)。新闻特写《戈壁除夕夜》荣获中华全国新闻工作者协会第八届(1998年)中国新闻奖铜奖。

Mr. Wuding's poems are included in Issue No. 8. Read Jam Session in the Lotus Pond .


Xi She 西厍(张锦华)

Xi She has published several collections of poems, including Standing in the Center of Fall, The Honeysuckle, or a Man's Humility, The Plain of November, and A Stone in the World, and The Different Ways Different Things Collect Moonlight. His poems have also appeared in various journals and newspapers across China.


Xi She's poems can be read here: Persimmon.


Xiao Shui 肖 水

b. 1980

Xiao Shui was born in Chenzhou, Hunan Province. He studied at Fudan University, majoring in Law and in Chinese language. He has published four poetry collections, Lost and Found(失物认领), Chinese Class(中文课), Wormwood: New Quatrain Collection(艾草:新绝句诗集)", The Story of the Bohai Sea: Collection of Story Poems(渤海故事集:小说诗诗集)".

肖 水,1980年生于湖南郴州,先后就读于复旦大学法学院、中文系。出版有诗集《失物认领》《中文课》《艾草:新绝句诗集》《渤海故事集:小说诗诗集》。

Xiao Shui's poems can be read here: On Yangshan Mountain Pass.


Xie Jiong 谢 炯

b. 1960s

Xie Jiong (also Joan Xie) was born in Shanghai. Poet, essayist, short-story writer, and literary translator, she has published several poetry and essay collections. She practices law in New York City.

谢炯, 诗名炯,出生在上海,1987年毕业于上海交通大学管理系,留学美国,取得企业管理硕士和法律博士学位。2000年在纽约创办自己的律师事务所,为美国知名移民法律师。恢复写作后以双语写作诗歌,散文,微型小说,并从事诗歌翻译。2017年荣获首届德清莫干山国际诗歌节银奖。现为民间诗艺X诗社社长。出版诗集,散文集若干部。

Xie Jiong's poem can be read here: A Frog in the Well.


Xie Yishan 谢夷珊

b. 1970s

Xie Yishan is from Beiliu, Guangxi Province. He is a member of Chinese Writers' Association, rotating editor of poetry magazine Lacquer Country Poetry. He has published two poetry books:The Other Riverbank, and The Bright Beautiful World . He lives in Beiliu, Guangxi Province.

谢夷珊, 70后诗人,生于广西北流市。中国作家协会会员,在《诗刊》《人民文学》《青年文学》《汉诗》等刊物发诗若干,曾获《人民文学》诗歌征文奖、林白文学奖,现与朋友主持漆诗歌沙龙、任《漆诗刊》轮值主编。《北流客家》常务副主编,《北流文艺》诗歌栏目编辑。出版诗集《河的另一条岸》《明媚世界》。现居广西北流市。

Xie Yishan's poem can be read here: Am I Looking at the Same Seagulls?.


Xie Yuxin 谢雨新

b. 1993

Xie Yuxin was born in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province in northeast China. She is pursuing a MFA degree at Peking University (as of 2020).


Xie Yuxin's poem can be read here: Sensō-ji Temple.


Xiong Man 熊 曼

b. 1986

Xiong Man lives in Wuhan, Hunan Province. She has published a poetry collection titled The Maiden and the Barber.

熊 曼,1986年生,现居武汉。曾参加《诗刊》社第34届青春诗会,获第五届扬子江年度青年诗人奖。出版有诗集《少女和理发师》。

Xiong Man's poem can be read here: Good Times.


Xin You 辛酉


Xin You is the pen name of Zhu Liquan (朱礼权), a writer and poet from Xiaquan in Hubei Province. Over two hundred of his poems have appeared in literary journals across the country. His major works include the novel Narration (叙事) and a collection of poems titled Twilight and Other Poems (暮晚及其他).


Xin You's poems are included in Issue No. 1. Read An Epitaph.


Xiong Fang 熊芳

b. 1987

Xiong Fang was born in Taoyuan, Hunan Province. She is the literary editor of Changde Newspaper in Hunan province. Her poems have appeared in various literary magazines across China.

熊芳,87年生,湖南桃源人,曾参加《人民文学》第五届“新浪潮”诗会,组诗见于《人民文学》《诗刊》《星星》《扬子江诗刊》《汉诗》等,入选多个年选版本。曾获“人民文学 紫金之星”奖、台湾叶红女性诗歌奖、常德原创文艺奖诗歌奖等。现为常德日报社副刊编辑。

Xiong Fang's poem can be read here. Read daisies and tangerines.


Xiong Linqing 熊林清

b. 1974

Xiong Linqing was born in Fengjie, near City of Chongqing. He is a middle-school teacher. His poems have appeared in various literary journals across China. His view on poetry: to live a simple life, to write poetry of the soul; poetry is about aspirations, aiming for pure and lucid artistry.

熊林清, 重庆奉节人, 中学教师。诗作散见《诗刊》《诗潮》《青年作家》《星河诗刊》《天津诗人》《中国诗歌》《红岩》《重庆文学》等刊物,入选《中国当代诗歌导读(2011—2012卷)》《中国当代汉诗年鉴》《中国年度诗典》《中国2016年度诗歌精选》等各类选本。诗观:过简单的生活,写心灵的诗歌;诗言志;追求纯净明朗的意境。

Xiong Linqing's poem can be read here. Read My River.


Xiongguan Mandao 雄关漫道 (闫殿才)

b. 1970s

Xiongguan Mandao, pen name of Yan Diancai, was born in the 70s in Shandong Province. He is a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, and a member of the Shandong Writers’ Association. His poems have appeared in various poetry journals and literary journals across China.


Xiongguan Mandao's poem can be read here. Read The Blacksmith.



Xu Xiao 徐晓

b. 1992

Xu Xiao, novelist, essayist, and poet, is from City of Gaomi, Shandong Province. She is a a member of Shandong Writers’ Association, and a graduate from Shandong Normal University in Liberal Arts. Her literary works have appeared in literary magazines across China. She has published a novel, Almost Happy Being in Love with You , and a poetry collection: The Outsider.


Xu Xiao's poem can be read here. Read Rebirth .


Xu Yanying 许燕影

b. 1965

Xu Yanying, was born in Jinjiang, Fujian Province. She lives in Hankou, Hainan Province. She is a member of Chinese Writers’ Association, and has published several poetry book, including Gentle Tender Hands, How Do I Tell the World about My Passion , and Yanying’s Sky .


Xu Yanying's poem can be read here. Read Limu Mountain.


Yan Bin 严彬

b. 1981

Yan Bin, born in 1981, is from Liuyang, Hunan Province, with a degree in master of arts. He has published several poetry collections: Not Sorry for Owning a Rose, The King's Lake, Concerto for Good People, “The Grand Master's Funeral", and a book of short stories Phone Call from the Princess from the Outer Space.


Yan Bin's poem can be read here. Read A Breeze Combs Through... .


Yan Hen 胭痕 (嵇萍)

b. 1970s

Yan Hen is the pen name of Ji Ping (嵇萍). She also uses other pen names including Daidai(呆呆) and The Blue Witch (蓝女巫). Yen Hen was born in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, and now lives in Jiangsu Province. Her poems have appeared in several Chinese literary journals across the country.


Yan Hen's poems are included in Issue No. 3. Read A Dream Is but a Dream.


Yan Meijiu 颜梅玖(玉上烟)

b. 1970

Yan Meijiu was born in Liaoning Province and now lives in Ningbo in Zhejiang Province. She began her writer’s career in 2009. Her poetry has appeared in various poetry journals across China. She publishes most her works under her pen name Yushangyan (玉上烟).


Yan Meijiu's poems are included in Issue No. 4. Read Untitled.


Yang Chen 扬臣 (杨亚军)

Yang Chen, poet, doctor of medicine, born in Tianshui, Gansu Province in western China, is a member of the Chinese Poetry Society. His poems have appeared in various literary magazines across China. Dr. Yang presently (2021) lives in Guangdong Province, teaching in a university.


Yang Chen's poem can be read here. Read Black Swan.


Yang Senjun 杨森君

b. 1962

Yang Senjun, a native of Ciyaobao in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in northwest China, is a member of the Chinese Writers' Association. He has published several poetry collections, including Dreams Are My Only Luggage, Colored Sketches, Tower of Sand (in Chinese and English), Mirror in the Afternoon, When Deeds Match Fame, and Components.


Yang Senjun's poem can be read here. Read Tuya's Stones.


Yang Jiao 杨角

b. 1963

Yang Jiao was born in Yibin City of Sichuan Province. He works as a policeman. His poems appear in poetry magazines and are selected into a variety of anthologies. He has published six volumes of personal poems. Yang Jiao is a member of the Chinese Writers' Association, and of the 23rd Advanced Class of Lu Xun Literary Academy。


Yang Kang 杨康

b. 1988

Yang Kang was born in Shaanxi Province. He is a science student at Chongqing University in China's southwest. His poems have appeared in several poetry journals across China.


Yang Kang's poems are included in Issue No. 4 Golden Rice, and in "Poem of the Day": The Mighty River Flows East.


Yang Ke 杨克

b. 1957

ang Ke was born in Guangxi Province. He is currently the vice chairman of Chinese Poetry Association. He has published eleven poetry collections, among them Collected Poems by Yang Ke, Relevance and Irrelevance, I Speak of The Shape of Wind, etc. He has won prestigious literary prizes in China, and his works have been translated into English, Japanese, Spanish, and s few other languages.


Yang Ke's poems can be read here: My China.


Yang Yong 杨 勇

b. 1975

Yang Yong, poet, literary critic, was born in Guangdong Province in 1975. His poetry has appeared in various journals and newspapers in China. He has published a book of poetry, titled Black-and-White Photographs. He was also included in the book Dialogues with Ten Poets.

杨 勇,广东阳江人, 1975年生。诗人、评论家,70后,有作品发表于《诗刊》、《中国诗歌》、《诗歌月刊》、《星星诗刊》、《山花》、《中西诗歌》、《诗选刊》、《绿风诗刊》等刊物,诗作入选《2007文学中国》、《2008文学中国》、《诗生活年选》(2007年卷)、《2009中国诗歌民刊年选》、《先锋诗歌二十年—谱系与典藏》、《天下好诗:新诗一百首赏析》等选本,著有诗集《黑白照片》、诗人访谈录《十诗人访谈集》。

Yang Yong's poems can be read here: Courtyard in the Wind .


Yang Xie 杨邪

b. 1972

Born in Zhejiang Province, Yang Xie is an award-winning poet whose poems have been published in literary journals across China and overseas, including Australia and America. He lives in Zhejiang.


Yang Xie's poems are included in Issue No. 1. Read The Missing.


Yang Xuelong 杨薛龙

Yang Xuelong comes from Hunan Province, and lives in Beijing. His poems appeared in literary journals across China.


Yang Xuelong's poem can be read here. Read The Things I Praise Are Generally Light.


Yang Yang 阳飏(张向阳)

b. 1953

Born in Beijing, Yang Yang is a poet and essayist who now lives in Gansu Province. He has won several national awards for his poetry. Apart from his prose and essays, Yang Yang has published non-fiction.

阳飏, 原名张向阳。天津人,中国作家协会会员。毕业于兰州师专。毕业后在兰州市文联从事编辑工作,任《兰州文苑》主编。著有诗集《阳飏诗选》、《世纪末的花名册》(合作),长诗《青海湖长短句》、《落日之色——笺注〈中国通史〉》、《西夏王陵笔记》、《青藏旅行日记》、《有关青海湖》、《西藏:迎风诵唱》、《甘南:8个片断》、《咏叹》等,随笔《生命的谢恩》,散文《青藏高原记事》等。曾获甘肃优秀文学作品奖、《飞天》文学月刊优秀作品奖、《星星》诗刊中国星星1999年度跨世纪诗歌奖、甘肃省政府敦煌文艺奖、甘肃省优秀文学编辑奖等奖项。作品多次入选各种选本。

Read Yang Yang's poems here: Lanzhou: The Growing-Up Years, and Headwater of White Dragon River


Yang Zi 杨梓

b. 1963

Born in in Ningxia Province in interior China. Yang Zi started writing poems in the mid 1980s. He has published a large body of poems, including An Anthology of Poems by Yang Zi (杨梓诗集) and Epic Poem of the Western Xia Dynasty (西夏史诗).


Yang Zi's poems can be read here. Read The Wolf, and Eleventh Hour.


Yao Feng 姚风

b. 1958

Born in Beijing, Yao Feng is the pen name of Yao Jingming (姚京明). He received his doctorate degree in comparative literature from Fudan University in Shanghai and works as an associate professor in the Department of Portuguese at the University of Macau. In addition to translating Portuguese poets into Chinese, he has also published several poetry anthologies in Chinese and in Portuguese, among them Writing on the Wings of the Wind and Faraway Song. His poetry awards include the fourteenth annual Rougang Poetry Award (2004) and the Ordem Militar de Santiago de Espada medal from the Portuguese president (2006).


Yao Feng's poems are included in Issue No. 8. Read In Saint Maria's Hospital.


Ye Yanbin 叶延滨

b. 1948

Ye Yanbin, a contemporary poet, prose and essay critic, is currently the director of the Chinese Writers Association's Poetry Committee. He has served as editor-in-chief of Stars and editor of Poetry Journal. So far, he has published 47 books, and the works have been included in Chinese and international collections as well as university and middle school textbooks. Some of his works have been translated into English, French, Russian, Italian, German, Japanese, Korean, Romanian, Polish, and Macedonian.


Ye Yanbin's poem can be read here. Read The Aura of the Green Mountain.


Ye Yu 夜鱼(张红)

b. 1969

Ye Yu was born in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, and later moved with her family to Wuhan, Hubei Province. She has published a few collections of poems: Broken Phrases, The Seventh-Second Narrative and The Old Twilight. She works as an editor for a poetry magazine in Hubei Province.


Ye Yu's poems can be read here: Snowed In and Early Autumn.


Ye Zhou 叶舟

b. 1966

Ye Zhou is a poet, essayist, and novelist. He studied at Northwest Normal University in Lanzhou with a major in Chinese Language and Literature in the 1980s, and has worked in academia and as a journalist since then. Ye Zhou also attended the prestigious Lu Xun Creative Writing Program in Beijing, and received the Lu Xun Literature Prize in 2014 for his short story 'Peace Within My Tent' (我的帐篷里有平安). Ye lives in Lanzhou, Gansu Province.


Ye Zhou's poems are included in Issue No. 5. Read The Sheep Come to Town.

Yi Hu 亦乎

b. 1962

Born in Wuhan, Yi Hu is the pen name of Liu Wen (刘文). He has written novels, and screenplays for films.


Yi Hu's poems are included in Issue No. 4. Read Summer Days, 2: The Horror of Perpetual Sunshine.


Yi Hang 一行 (王凌云)

b. 1979

Yi Hang (lit:"One Line"), pen name of Wang Lingyun, was born in Hukou, Jiangxi Province, and currently lives in Kunming, Yunnan Province. He is an associate professor of philosophy at Yunnan University. He has published a philosophical book From Common Experiences, a collection of poems Black Eyes Rolling, and two books on poetry studies On Poetry, and Ethics of Words. He also translated Men In Dark Times by Hannah Arendt.


Yi Hang's poem can be read here: The Red-Brick Building.


Yi Youxi 伊有喜

b. 1968

Poet and middle-school teacher from Zhejiang Province,Yi Youxi has published a book of poetry: Live Well, I Will (最近我肯定好好活着). His poems have appeared in various literary magazines in China.


Yi Youxi's poems are included in Issue No. 7. Read 11 Roses.


Yin Ma 尹马

b. 1977

Yin Ma, poet and novelist, is from Zhenxiong County, Yunnan Province. He has published four collections of poems. Many of his poems have appeared in poetry and literary journals across China.


Yin Ma's poem can be read here. Read Perfectly Rounded Setting Sun.


Liu Ying 刘颖

b. 1970s

Liu Ying is a native of Laizhou, Shandong Province in eastern China. Yinger lives in Yantai. Her poems have appeared in several literary magazines across China.


Liu Ying's poem can be read here. Read The Union of the Sea and the Sky , and Mementos .


Yu Bang 育邦

b. 1976

Yu Bang, poet, novelist, literary critic, was born in Jiangsu Province. He has published a collection of short stories Goodbye Beatles , two collections of poems The War inside the Body , Remembering Old Friends , and two essay collections The Hidden Mover and Arty. He is the editor of Chinese literary journal Bloom.

育邦, 出生于苏北的灌云县。从事诗歌、小说、文论的写作。著有小说集《再见,甲壳虫》,有诗入选多种诗歌选本,著有诗集《体内的战争》《忆故人》,文学随笔集《潜行者》《附庸风雅》。现为《青春》杂志执行总编辑。-->

Yu Bang's poem can be read here. Read The Courtyard.


Yu Jian 于 坚

b. 1954

Yu Jian was born in Kunming, Yunnan Province in 1954. He is a poet, documentary film director, a major figure among ‘The Third Generation Poets’ that came after the Misty Poetry movement of the early 1980s. He was awarded the prestigious Lu Xun Literary Award in 2010. His work has been translated into English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Danish, and Japanese. He teaches in Yunnan University。

于 坚,“第三代诗歌”的代表人物,1970年开始写作,1984年毕业于云南大学中文系,1985年与韩东等人合办诗刊《他们》,次年发表成名作《尚义街六号》。曾获台湾《联合报》14届新诗奖、台湾《创世纪》诗杂志四十年诗歌奖、鲁迅文学奖等国外内奖项。英文版诗集《便条集》入围2011年度美国BTBA最佳图书翻译奖、入围2013年美国北卡罗纳州文学奖。系列摄影作品获2013年美国国家地理杂志全球摄影大赛中国赛区华夏典藏金框奖。纪录片《碧色车站》入围阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片银狼奖单元。现为云南师范大学文学院教授。

Yu Jian's poems can be read here: Throwaways.


Yu Xiaozhong 余笑忠

b. 1965

Born in Qichun in the central province of Hubei, Yu Xiaozhong is a graduate of Communication University of China in Beijing. He now works for Hubei Television Corp. in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Yu Xiaozhong’s poems have appeared in various poetry journals in China.


Yu Xiaozhong's poems can be read here: Cotton Rose.


Shi Shiran 袁诗萍

b. 1970s

Yuan Shiping is a poet and painter. She writes under the pen name Shi Shiran (施施然). Her poems have appeared in a number of Chinese literary journals and her poetry has been translated into English and Swedish. She has published anthology of poems titled The Persimmon Tree (杮子树).


Yuan Shiping's poems: My Cousin from the West End.


Zhai Wenjie 翟文杰

b. 1967

Zhai Wenjie, born in 1967, is a native of Dengzhou City, Henan Province. He is a teacher, and calls himself a folk whisperer.


Zhai Wenjie's poem can be read here: Old Times.


Zhai Wenxi 翟文熙

b. 1973

Zhai Wenxi writes poetry, prose and essays, but has turned his focus more to poetry since the late 1990s. His writings have appeared in various Chinese literary journals. Zhai Wenxi lives in Guangzhou.

翟文熙, 广东人,写诗,散文以及书法。自20世纪90年代末以来,他更多地集中在诗歌与书法。 他的作品发表在各种中国文学期刊上。 翟文熙住在广州。

Zhai Wenxi's poems are included in Issue No. 1, 8, and 13. Read The Dani Tribe.


Zhan Chenglin 阿成 (詹成林)

b. 1960s

A Cheng, real name Zhan Chenglin, born in the 1960s, is from Xiuning, Anhui Province, and now lives in Shitai County, Chizhou City. A Cheng is a member of the Chinese Writers' Association, whose works are published in many newspapers and periodicals.)

阿成,本名詹成林, 1960年代出生,安徽休宁人,现居池州市石台县。中国作家协会会员,安徽池州市作家协会副主席。曾在《诗刊》《诗选刊》《中国诗歌》《人民日报》《扬子江》《星星》《绿风》《清明》《安徽文学》《诗歌月刊》等各类报刊发诗1300余首,获奖10余次,入选诗集、年选20余次。

Ah Cheng's poem can be read here. Read The Same Father Under Every Star.


Zhang Ergun 张二棍 (张常春)

b. 1982
Zhang Ergun, birth name Zhang Changchun, was born in 1982 in Dai County, Shanxi Province. He is a staff member of a geological team in Shanxi Province. Zhang Ergun has published a poetry collection titled The Wilderness. In 2017, he was awarded a fellowship for a residency at Capital Normal University.


Zhang Ergun's poem can be read here. Read Small Town.


Zhang Hezhi 张何之

b. 1988

Zhang Hezhi, a native of Changshu, Jiangsu Province. She is a graduate of Naking University with a major in Sociology, and is now (as of 2020) pursuing a PhD degree in History at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris.


Zhang Hezhi's poem can be read here. Read Our Boat.


Zhang Fanxiu 张凡修

b. 1958

Zhang Fanxiu was born in Yutian in Hebei Province and published his first poem when he was seventeen. He stopped writing from the late 1980s to 2005 to work as a farmer to support his family. In 2007, he moved to the northeastern province of Liaoning and has since produced hundreds of poems that reveal his unique insight into nature, agriculture, and rural life. His poems have appeared in major literary journals across the country. In 2010, the Beijing-based magazine Poetry Journal nominated Zhang as one of 'the ten great farmer poets in China.' Zhang has published several poetry collections: Writings from the Moors (丘陵书), The Spirit of the Earth (地气), and Only the Earth (止于土).

张凡修,1958年生,河北玉田人,中国作协会员。1975年高中毕业后在家乡玉田县务农。诗歌刊发于《诗刊》等诸多刊物,着有诗集《地气》等三部。 2010年,被《诗刊》社、 《星星》诗刊社评为中国十大农民诗人。张凡修先生参与《廿一世纪中国诗歌》第七到第十三辑的选稿工作。

Zhang Fanxiu's poems are included in Issues No. 4, 6, 11, 12, 14. Read Gaze, Push and Squeeze, and If at All Possible.


Zhang Hongbing 张红兵

b. 1968

Zhang Hongbing was born in Licheng, Shanxi Province. He is a faculty member in the arts department at a technical college in Shanxi Province. His poems have appeared in poetry publications across China.


Zhang Hongbing's poem can be read here. Read Holiday, Listening to Father and a Cousin Chatting about Family Graveyard.


Zhang Jianchun 张建春

b. 1962

Zhang Jianchun was born in Feixi, Anhui Province. He is a member of Anhui Province Writers’ Association, and has published several poetry books, including Journey of the Heart, A Wild Flower in My Native Home ,Walking on the Edge,An Untrimmed Village.

张建春,籍贯肥西,安徽省作家协会会员。中国诗歌学会会员、省作家协会会员,现任职于肥西县委宣传部,常务副部长。在《清明》《安徽文学》《长江文艺》《北方文学》《文学港》《厦门文学》《散文选刊》《诗歌月刊》《散文诗》等报刊、杂志发表诗歌、小说、散文,《安徽商报》专栏作家,出版有《心旅》《一朵故乡的野花》《边缘行走》《未修剪的村庄》《咏而归》(合著)等诗歌、散文集,多篇作品被选入年度读本,系省诗歌学会副会长、省散文随笔学会副秘书长 。

Zhang Jianchun's poem can be read here. Read The Wait.


Zhang Lin 张琳

b. 1989

Zhang Lin is a graduate of Xinzhou Teachers’ College, majoring in Chinese. She has published two poetry books: Paper Butterflies (纸蝴蝶), and What a Beautiful World (人间这么美). She lives in Shanxi Province.

张 琳,山西文学院签约作家。出版诗集《纸蝴蝶》《人间这么美》。

Zhang Lin's poems can be read here: The Gist.



Zhang Qiaohui 张巧慧

b. 1978

Zhang Qiaohui was born in Cixi, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. She is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association, Vice Chairman of Cixi City Federation of Literary and Art Circles, She has published a few collections of poems, including The Wild Wind is Innocent, The Lost Cicada Slough, Absence , and a collection of essays The Woman Who Painted the Lotus.

张巧慧,浙江宁波慈溪人。中国作家协会会员。作品刊《人民文学》《诗刊》等几十种文学刊物及年度选本。 获华文青年诗人奖、储吉旺文学奖、浙江省“新荷十家”、於梨华青年文学奖、浙江青年文学之星优秀作品奖等;出版诗集四本、散文集一本。。已出版诗集《朔风无辜》《走失的蝉衣》《缺席》,散文集《画荷的女人》。现任慈溪市文联副主席。

Zhang Qiaohui's poems can be read here: Family History .

Zhang Shaobao 张少保

b. 1970

Zhang is a county judge in Jingyang county, Shaanxi Province. He started to publish his poems in 1985 and continues to be a prolific poet in cyberspace. In 2005, he published anthology of poems titled Yellow Earth & Bronze (黄土与青铜).


Zhang Shaobao's poems are included in Issue No. 1. Read The Dance in Tang Dynasty Style.


Zhang Weifeng 张伟锋 (土木)

b. 1986

Zhang Weifeng was born in Lincang City, Yunnan Province of ethnic Wa heritage. He has published several poetry collections: The Wind Blows Over the Fields, Notes on Migration, Of Mountains and Rivers, The Flow of Time.


Zhang Weifeng's poem can be read here: Mountains without Names.


Zhang Xiaozhen 张小榛

b. 1995

Zhang Xiaozhen is a poet and graduate of Wuhan University. She lives in Beijing.


Zhang Xiaozhen's poems can be read here: Posters of Missing-Person .


Zhang Xinquan 张新泉

b. 1941

Born in Fushun in the southwestern province of Sichuan, Zhang Xinquan is a member of The Sichuan Writers’ Association, and writer-in-resident at the Chengdu Writers' Studio (成都文学院). His poetry has been published in numerous poetry journals in China. He has also published several poetry books, including Wild Water (野水)A Bird Among People (鸟落民间) A Good Knife (好刀)was awarded the prestigious Lu Xun Literary Award (鲁迅文学奖). He lives in Chengdu.


Zhang Xinquan's poems can be read here: Ember-Roasted Sweet Potato.


Zhang Zhanyuan 张占元

b. 1948

Zhang Zhanyuan lives in Hebei Province. After retiring from the world of business, he has devoted much of his energies to writing poetry. Zhang also writes prose in Classical Chinese.


Zhang Zhanyuan's poems are included in Issue No. 2. Read Remodeling, and Emptiness.


Zhang Zuogeng 张作梗

b. 1966

Born in Jiangsu Province, Zhang Zuogeng began his literary career in the early 1980s. His poems have appeared in various Chinese literary journals across the country and has published two poetry anthologies.

张作梗,湖北京山人,现居扬州。1980年代中后期开始文学创作。主要以诗歌为主,近期兼及随笔、文学评论的写作。作品散见国内各大报刊。有诗入选多种选本,部分作品被译介海外。 获《诗刊》2012年度诗歌奖、首届金迪诗歌奖铜奖。曾参加诗刊社第24届青春诗会。

Zhang Zuogeng's poems are included in Issue No. 1 Visiting the Plum Tree on a Snowy Night , and in "Poem of the Day": A Humble Poem, and 1990, Running Water Came to Our Village.


Zhao Weifeng 赵卫峰

b. 1970s

Zhao Weifeng, poet and critic., was born in Guizhou Province from the Bai ethnic heritage. He is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association. He lives in Guiyang, and is the editor of an independent literary journal All Things About Poetry .


Zhao Weifeng's poems can be read here: When the Wind Scours Guiyang.


Zhao Jun 赵俊

b. 1980s

Zhao Jun was born in Deqing Zhejiang Province in eastern China, now lives in Shenzhen. He is a graduate of Communication University of Zhejiang. He has published a collection of poems titled Youngling from Mount Mogan .


Zhao Jun's poems can be read here: Bedside Letter , and The Universe of Mountains and Rivers .


Zhao Wenhao 赵文豪

b. 1986

Zhao Wenhao was born in Taipei, Taiwan. He said "I like poetry, and hope one day will be approved by poetry." He is the author of The Writing Clinic, and Notice of Relocation. He has won several prestigious poetry awards in Taiwan. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Taiwanese Literature at Taiwan Normal University.


Zhao Wenhao's poem can be read here: If My Dream Lasts Long Enough.


Zhao Yadong 赵亚东

b. 1978

Zhao Yadong was born in Baiquan, Heilongjiang Province in northeastern China. He is a member of Chinese Writers' Association, and attended Lu Xun Literary Academy. He has published several poetry books, including Potato Lamp, and A Tiger's Roar at the Floating World.


Zhao Yadong's poem can be read here: Regrets .



Zheng Maoming 郑茂明

b. 1980

Zheng Maoming was born in 1980 in Lingshan County, Shandong Province, and now lives in Tangshan, Hebei. He is a member of the Hebei Writers' Association and the editor of the folk magazine Phoenix. His works have been published in many newspapers and magazines, and has published a collection of poems A Diagnosis of a Stomach.


Zheng Maoming's poems can be read here: Notes on Early Spring.


Zhijian Liunian 指尖流年

Zhijian Liunian (Lit. Time slipping through my fingers) was born in Boli County, Heilongjiang Province. His poems have appeared in poetry magazines in China and the US.


Zhijian Liunian's poems can be read here: Distant Places.


Zhong Shiwen 仲诗文

b. 1973

Zhong Shiwen was born in Cangxi, Sichuan Province, and now lives in Huizhou, Guangdong Province. His poems have appeared in various literary magazines across China, and some are included in poetry anthologies.


Zhong Shiwen's poems can be read here: Ouh Là Là.


Zhou Sese 周瑟瑟

b. 1968

Zhou SeSe was born in Hunan Province in the middle reach of the Yangtze River in South Central China. Poet, novelist, playwright, and docu-film director, he has published several poetry books, including Under Pine Trees (松树下), 17 Years: Collected Poems by Zhou SeSe (17年:周瑟瑟诗选)Lishan Mountain (栗山)The Storm is Near (暴雨将至)Rhinoceros (犀牛)How Shapely the Fishes Are (鱼的身材有多好)Lichens (苔藓),and The End of the World (世界尽头), etc. He lives in Beijing.


Zhou Sese's poems can be read here: Oranges .


Zhou Suotong 周所同

b. 1950

Zhou Suotong was born in Yuanping, Shanxi Province. He is a director of the Chinese Poetry Society, and formerly an editor of China’s Poetry Journal,. He has published three collections of poems: The River in the North, The Gleaner, and The Man in the Journey.


Zhou Suotong's poems can be read here: My Three Daily Retrospectives.


Zhou Weimin 周卫民

b. 1981

Zhou Weimin was born in 1981 in Beijing. He has published a poetry collection: Remnants of Destiny. His poems have appeared in literary magazines across China.


Zhou Weimin's poems can be read here: Input Method.


Zhou Xixi 周西西

b. 1970s

Zhou Xixi was born in Haiyan County, Zhejiang Province. He had a short writing career in early1990s, and only resumed writing again in 2015; since then his poems have appeared in a few major poetry journals in China.


Zhou Xixi's poem can be read here: Up on the White Cloud Pavilion.


Zhu Ligen 祝立根

b. 1978

Zhu Ligen was born in Tengchong, Yunnan Province. He lives in Kunming. He has published two collections of poems: Embarrass by a Head of Black Hair, and Hangover.


Zhu Ligen's poem can be read here: Seeing off a Friend, Drunk Again, and Ashen Sky.


Zhu Tao 朱涛

b. 1960s

Zhu Tao was born in Zhoushan Islands, Zhejiang Province. He returned to poetry writing in 2008 after a long career in commerce. Zhu Tao has published several collections of poems, including Standing on the Tongue (站在舌头上), The Half Yellow Sun (半轮黄日), The More Absurd, the Greater Breakthrough (越荒诞越奔越), Monument of The Fallen Flowers (落花纪念碑).


Zhu Tao's poem can be read here: Dissecting The Deer .