These are unusual times. These poets are tale-tellers of their world.                  (All rights reserved.)

The Editor-and-Translator Team

  Wang, Meifu 王美富

(Editor and Chief Translator)

Meifu Wang is the founder, editor and chief translator of 21st Century Chinese Poetry.  Born in Taiwan, Meifu Wang earned her B.A. in foreign languages and literature from National Taiwan University.  Her poetry has appeared in various Chinese literary journals, in a Seattle-area local newspaper, and in Denver Quarterly.   Ms. Wang also earned Master's degrees in atmospheric science from University of California, Davis, and in transport system design from Purdue University, and worked in these disciplines in Alaska and in Washington D.C.   Meifu received a Henry Luce Foundation Fellowship in Chinese poetry translation for a residency at Vermont Studio Center. Meifu lives between Bainbridge Island, Washington, US and London, UK.


Read Meifu's poems:
Dirt Road
Water Droplets
Sea Crag
To Melville
To Father
Reading Baudelaire Into the Night

  Michael Truman Soper 苏浪禹


Michael Soper was born 1946 in Washington DC. He was the last hot-metal apprentice typesetter in that city, and was intrigued by the challenges of word processing for Chinese character fonts. When the Washington Star newspaper ceased publication in early August 1981, he returned to college and did a major in business with a minor in computers. Michael went on to work for the US government as a printer, publications system manager, editor, and contracting specialist. He has been translating Chinese poetry for almost thirty years.

Michael has authored more than twenty books, most of which are poetry.


   Guy Hibbert 盖伊· 希伯特


Guy Hibbert was born in Oxford, England. He is a British TV and film screenwriter, and has won four Bafta Awards(British Academy of Film and Television Arts). He wrote the 2009 film Five Minutes of Heaven, which was premiered at the 25th Sundance Film Festival, where he won the World Cinema Screenwriting Award. Guy Hibbert lives in London.

盖伊·希伯特是英国电视电影编剧家与制作人, 获得四项英国电影学院奖电视大奖(BAFTA Awards)。他撰写的电影《天堂五分钟》在第25届日舞影展电影节首映,并获得了世界电影编剧奖;《天空之眼》获伦敦晚旗报最佳编剧奖。目前与德国导演韋納·荷索合作下一部电影。盖伊定居于伦敦。



Zhang Fanxiu 张凡修

(Editor, China)

b. 1958

Zhang Fanxiu was born in Yutian in Hebei Province and published his first poem when he was seventeen. He stopped writing from the late 1980s to 2005 to work as a farmer to support his family. In 2007, he moved to the northeastern province of Liaoning and has since produced hundreds of poems that reveal his unique insight into nature, agriculture, and rural life. His poems have appeared in major literary journals across the country. In 2010, the Beijing-based magazine Poetry Journal nominated Zhang as one of 'the ten great farmer poets in China.' Zhang has published several poetry collections: Writings from the Moors (丘陵书), The Spirit of the Earth (地气), and Only the Earth (止于土).

张凡修,1958年生,河北玉田人,中国作协会员。1975年高中毕业后在家乡玉田县务农。诗歌刊发于《诗刊》等诸多刊物,着有诗集《地气》等三部。 2010年,被《诗刊》社、 《星星》诗刊社评为中国十大农民诗人。张凡修先生参与《廿一世纪中国诗歌》第七到第十三辑的选稿工作。

Zhang Fanxiu's poems can be read here: Gaze, Push and Squeeze, and If At All Possible.

  Peter Micic 彼得


Peter Micic is a translator, poet, tea ambassador, explorer, musician, independent scholar and polyglot currently based in Taipei. Before arriving in Taiwan, he spent five years in Yunnan trekking across tea mountains writing and imbibing in oceans of tea. His articles, translations of poems and book reviews have appeared in international refereed journals and magazines. Peter holds a Ph.D in modern Chinese music history from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.

澳大利亚墨尔本人,音乐家, 通晓多种语言,历史家,作家, 诗人,茶博士,蒙纳西大学语言学学士, 音乐硕士, 音乐历史学博士。

  Johan Ramaekers 哈马克


Born in Tongeren, Belgium, Johan Ramaekers is a lyricist, polyglot, and poet. He studied German philology at Ghent University where he also majored in Dutch and English and co-founded a literary magazine called Parlando Furioso which literally means "Speaking Furiously." Johan is also a registered psychiatric nurse specializing in gerontology and dementia. He lives in Ghent, a city in the Flemish region of Belgium.
